B I G T H U R S D A Y,
Finally, it's my school graduation day. held @ Crown Princess Hotel and as u can see some other schools all held in their own school. So boring.. Anyhow, they all are gonna be jealous of this. Hahax. Well, time pass so fast and didn't even realise that its gonna be the end of our road in secondary school. Felt berat hati to leave this school cause it brings a lot of sweet memories to me although there are some bitter ones. All are grown up guys already now. Oh as u know that our school is a boy school and there are girls only in form 6.
Seems so exited to post this post about my graduation day, budden if i post it, i scare it will be quite a long post. So I'll let the pictures do all the talking. Save time. So without any further due, lets sit back, relax and enjoy! All u need to do is just scroll your mouse!!
Seems so exited to post this post about my graduation day, budden if i post it, i scare it will be quite a long post. So I'll let the pictures do all the talking. Save time. So without any further due, lets sit back, relax and enjoy! All u need to do is just scroll your mouse!!
Dudes arrive as early as 8am. and waited like hell at AMPANG PARK.
Why they came so early where the function starts at 11am?!!
Cause they took this crappy RAPID KL bus that is ain't RAPID at all..
They were afraid they could missed this graduate day just like that.
So they decide to come early.
Why they came so early where the function starts at 11am?!!
They were afraid they could missed this graduate day just like that.
So they decide to come early.

Introducing the Honda Civic 2006 series. Gone rich suddenly.
Look at ME, Proud like shit only. Wahahaha. No offence. Chill guys.

as you can see he is from Australia. My ex-classmate.

Mr. Alexander Ooi & Mr. Jason Ong

Graduation Session

Class monitor and the assistant monitor.

but what's haithal doing looking at the camera.

We need some girl faces!!! mayb later. be patient..

He Claim that his (DSLR) camera can store 2000 photos!!

He seems like those nerd professor that teaches Chemistry.

Feel proud. kononnya.

" We are the craziest senior class ever in SMKSA history ".
Thanks to WONG!!

Another class photo before we proceed to the dining hall.


RANDOM PHOTO with da Girls
Here are some random photos with the girls at SMKSA..
At last there is some girls pictures. ,ostly malay girls cause this is a malay school. XD

She seems like those Arabian girl..

I also got James, dun jealous. XD

Me with the Egyptians girls... XD

She want to take with me, I did not asked for it..

That's why I said "Thank you superstar for taking with me" LOL!!

ME and Aliyah. So difficuilt only can take this photo.
The end of graduation day..............
Sigh It's finally over... Oh ya before i forgot, the Honda car just now wasn't my dad's car. Just being proud of myself. And also the girls is all from upper 6 students. Plus Calvin is from Malaysia but not from England. James Tan and Yen Ching is not a couple. All just white lies to suit the photo captions. So sorry for all that guys ; Chill okay. hehex. =) hope u guys enjoyed it.
Today, we certainly had the craziest fun among ourselves and as you can see where there is a lot of crazy peeps around, including ME. That's why I said " We are the most craziest seniors class ever in SMKSA history ". All thanks to Mr. WONG. =.=" Who made our last year of schooling life a memoriable one. although we fought before in class, in the end we are still friends and study in the same class. XD
Yeah that is all about today!! kinda long post. Tired* Just a reminder as SPM is just 9 days away from now and we are acting as if we are not even exam candidates. OMG, do I need some last min preparation? Not a problem..... =)
Today, we certainly had the craziest fun among ourselves and as you can see where there is a lot of crazy peeps around, including ME. That's why I said " We are the most craziest seniors class ever in SMKSA history ". All thanks to Mr. WONG. =.=" Who made our last year of schooling life a memoriable one. although we fought before in class, in the end we are still friends and study in the same class. XD
Yeah that is all about today!! kinda long post. Tired* Just a reminder as SPM is just 9 days away from now and we are acting as if we are not even exam candidates. OMG, do I need some last min preparation? Not a problem..... =)
That's all about today. Grab the photos it if u want.
HaPpY 9th.....
HaPpY 9th.....