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January 22, 2008

Hello Kancil...

Hello kancil !! Guess what, I drove a kancil today. it's small in size but I am big! The car sank down 1 side once I sit in the kancil. I am FAT ma... Yeah, it was my first time driving on the road with many cars on the traffic somemore cause it's after working hours.
Scary + Pressure!!

First and foremost, once entering the car..

A conversation between me and him ( My driving Teacher )
Him : Jason Ong Ian Kitt izit?
Me : Yes I am...
Him : You know how to drive car already anot?
Me : I know a lil la cause I drove my mum's car before.
Him : Owh ic.. Then we change place then.
Me : Har! NOW?!
Him : Yea la...
Me : On the road?!! It's my 1st time wor..
Him : Dun worry I can guide you.
Me : Errrr, Okay la I'll try..

Damn I was so pressure to drive in the road as it's my first time.. I was remembering all concept how to change gear and control the clutch and the acceleration, so on... bla bla bla.. Without noticing, I am driving on the road smoothly and he asked me to drive up 2 Hulu Langat. It's about 15KM away from my house. Go and come back = 30Km roughly. Sigh*

The whole day I was learning how to car park and 3 pin point turn at Surfine Hightech driving place. And guess what I just " Mati Engine " 3 times the whole day only. believe it...

Another conversation on the road..
Me : Err, can I change to gear 4 or 5? quite slow la.
Him : Cannot. U are on the L sign car. Must maintain at 3rd gear!
Me : Harr serious ar?! The car behind me seems like kissing my butt.
Him : Let him kiss la. at the most he pay ganti rugi if he knocks.
Me : Owh but I am ok and steady wor for 4th gear..
Him : Relax la young man, after pass P ad u can do wht ever u like.
Me : Okay then.. LOL.. I was laughing..

Well it was quite fun driving at the road but I was just maintaining my 3rd gear at the most with 60km/h. How sad. great experience for me. tomorrow I am going for another training. Ya, one more thing , I did overtake a van on the road just now! The teacher asked me to do so. cause the van is slower den me.. haha..

I am happy?! Let me be happy for a while la..

My first time on the road wasn't that scary after all.. hehe..

4commented | have you ?:

[hide] Unknown said...

ok ma n_n
At least u conqure ur fear =D
Sad to say, mine is after chinese new year lol T.T
Enjoy =)

on January 22, 2008 at 9:39 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

haha.. yea not bad la for me. I though I was gonna involve in stg accident or wht. so scare. XD thank god. (=

on January 22, 2008 at 9:48 PM

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[hide] Chermaine said...

who is ur instructor ? Mr Shiva ?

on January 23, 2008 at 1:22 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

A chinese larr. dunno what name. but he is good! XD

on January 23, 2008 at 1:36 AM

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