Nothing much to say and they called me back to be the referee for the competition. Being a referee isn't that easy as you will get scolded by the coaches when you did some mistakes in judging and also you need to be really focus when the game is on. Didn't even look at the surroundings much who was there though. Anyway refereeing is damn tiring. I got tan by then. sucks. One thing is nice that is only the salary! =P That's why I came back.
Here are some very random photos.. XD
Puteri Titiwangsa doing some free throws practice..
Ming in action..
Official booth..
Scoreboard booth..
Lame photos. I am not so free to take photos by the way....
Anyway all the best to all ampangian's players...
Puteri and Seri Ampang can strive to get into the Willayah competition.
I know I am the referee but I still I will be fair and square... LOL!
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