Announcing that I just got my college 1st semester time table today and it's SUCKS big time. I am gonna struggle for it cause the earliest class is at 7am in the morning and the latest class will end at 7pm. Guess it's gonna be a hell time for me to travel either from Ampang to KDU college or the opposite way in such time. Freaking Shit!!! Can't believe this is happening.
And also, I guess there will be 2 guys named JASON ONG in my course next week when the class starts! and add in January intake JASON THENG. 3 guys named Jason in the same course. damn. Thought I will be peace studying there. Mana tau this lame thing also can so coincidence happen. There's always an obstacle where ever we go. So need to bare it for the whole freaking year.
SHIT!!!! sorry for being "rude"
it's just a normal human reaction.
3commented | have you ?:
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someone already going to KDU..
name glamor jason memang popular, accept the fact, jason.
Now I dunno which Jason is which Jason in my hp. There's so many Jasonsssss in this world. @___@
someone already going to KDU..
name glamor jason memang popular, accept the fact, jason.
Call Jason and 3 of u will turb back... haha!
Now I dunno which Jason is which Jason in my hp. There's so many Jasonsssss in this world. @___@
it's you KOHAKU.... yeah lor must used to it. so call full name not JASON only lar. kesian la 3 jason in the same course, same year, same college. =="
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