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May 15, 2008

Updates : Marié Digby live in K.L

Here is the updates of yesterday's night Marié Digby open showcase @ One Utama. I tell you what, she definitely Rocks the night by singing 5 of her album debut songs for the crowd if I'm not mistaken. It was super crowded until we all pushing like sandwich just for the sake of taking videos and photos. Anyway, I thought I was going alone at first but in the end my brother accompanied me and few of his friends too. So, I won't be so lonely la.

Okay, here is my journey all along from 6.30pm-10.30pm. I think I can let the photos do the talking.

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Chilling up @ Starbucks before the event.

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6.50pm. The crowd from the first floor.

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Look the the white paper. For special zone passes only? damn pissed off, they were blocking me the whole night.

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The crowd is filling up the space.

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Backdrop of the event, with 2 acoustic guitar.

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MC of the night. Roshan and the girl dunno who. lol.

Marié Digby in action with the piano. Sorry, my cam is not good at zoom-ing. No DSLR that's why.

Guitar performance with song entitle ' Say it again '

Marié Digby and her guitar partner.

Who can sing like
Marié Digby? The small lil girl in green called Kimberley, she won the Yamaha acoustic guitar by singing the best among the rest.

Ma brother Chris and myself. To prove I was there la.

Posing with the poster. Insane of me...

Opps.. Here comes the end of the post. Overall, it's was quite satisfying for me. I got poster of hers and of cause her CD as well!!
See, this shows I am a huge fan of Marié Digby. lol.

If you guy don't know her yet, you can try to listen to her new album songs. Quite nice.

P/S : No videos uploaded here cause it takes a long time uploading it. So, I'll just keep it for myself la. lol.

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

eh kalau support mesti beli CD la haha

on May 16, 2008 at 4:01 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

LOL. download will do la. No need to buy. Not a so so huge fan but just a fan of hers.

on May 17, 2008 at 12:12 AM

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