Not to forget, we had model shooting as well. With motorbikes ! Ducati and Harley-Davidson. Whole camera occupied almost 200 photos of em. Damn siao can? Anyway it's my first time. Great experience. 2 Thumbs Up !
Ballroom hall. Many people attended. Very Grand I can say.
A talk in the convention hall.
Lenses display. Fuhh all the expensive lens ! Got poisoned.
Look at all those expensive lenses. G lens. Cost about 25k if im not mistaken. Fuhhh.
Essential accessories for DSLR cameras !
HOT MODELS ??! lol.
You know 1 thing fun about shooting models is when the moment they looked at your camera/lens, and you snap that moment, Fuhh priceless. Well from what I thought is that people temp to take more attention of the models more then the motorbikes. about 1K over photos of models in their cam all the same thing. Just different poses. Damn siao can?
Lastly, My TAG !
More SONY CONVENTION photos coming up next !
Stay tune !
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