Anyway, how did you guys spent your Christmas eve? I did spent mine at The Curve/ Cineleisure. We had lots of fun there. Well starting off from.. Yeah Milton fetch me from Ampang at 6pm and then off to The Curve. With me is Julius and my new friend Alice. Erm It was jam all the way from Ampang. MRR2 was superbly jam. We took around 2 hour to reach there. Once we reach The Curve, most dulan part. Finding parking also takes us 1 hour ++ So in the end we reach there at 9pm something. Wah we only managed to have 3 hours long there. So first thing we did is we ate ! and then only continue our exploration.
Half way through, feeling kinda lifeless walking in the human traffic at that moment. But in the end I thought my Christmas wasn't that bad afterall. I met my daryl Karena there ! woots. get to know a couple of new friends there too. HAP people. Also met up with my KDU kaki there as well at Laundry bar. We berheboh to the max ! Well as for now, Photos speaks a thousand words.
I shall start of with a Belated wish that I still owe my readers !
haha look at my muka potong face. Caroling moments at great eastern mall.
Oh yeah man we finally arrived ! finally.
My church friends with Alice. That Julius on the left and Milton on the right.
Yeah our reflections ! nice ain't it?
A portrait photo of them. Oh too bad im not in ! Always forced to be the photographer.
HAHA those are not what you think. We just being forced to do so. I guess Alice was the one who suggested it.
Hey did I said that my Christmas wasn't that bad afterall? yeah and guess what after that I met Karena ! It wasn't on luck but on purpose. We agreed to meet there actually. It took me quite a while to find her. Seriously the human traffic there. Horrible ! So once I found her, what we did first was a lil chat and we off go camwhore. her favourite.
Photos with her Nikon D60 !
Oh more portrait photos ! lol. Oh im taller ! Before this she claim that we were almost the same height.
Oh and I met Karena's human, Julien and Jeremy. Nice people !
Oh a group photo before we go in our separate ways. Forgot to mention that Julius join me to meet em as well
Went back to the KDU kaki's table at Laundry bar and we camwhored.
After which, I looked at the time. it is 11.45pm ! the moment is near. So we went outside and get ourself ready as well. haha. Look at the crowd. All getting set and ready.
Before the war started, and it was like 2 minutes before 12am. Our expression was like "LETS GO PARTY"
And so for the final 10 seconds, everyone was shouting. 10 till 1. So when the moment clock strikes 12, guess what happen? lol I'll let the photos do the talking. Luckily I did manage to capture some of the moments. But sadly I got my DSLR soaking wet. damn stupid spray.
Look at that fella with the spray ! I see snow. Woots.
Look at all the people ! they can syok sendiri spray people wan lorh.
Even Liza is having much fun spraying people too. haha. Her expression damn cute can?
Haithal and Louis after the spray war.
Driving back home was a disaster as well as everyone rushing back home. but I had pretty much fun that night though. As for now, I am looking forward for the last event of the year that is new years eve booze party !
PS : I miss her......
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hahaha.. miss who ar? huahuahua....
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