It's Chong Hwa's primary school CNY replacement event. It falls on the same day as Valentines Day. Been called up to go and so I went back with Steven and friends. For almost 5 years I did not step my feet into that school. It reminds me a lot of the days when I was studying there.
Many things had changed. Classes had computers and speakers installed. Even for the standard 1 students. Many things changed and it's getting nicer ! Many teachers had gone and some of the familiar faces still remains. My former class teacher, Madam Quek is still there and she is aging already. Aww man. But still she's so young in heart. Not to mention, the school principle had changed to a better one. Unlike the previous one. Sexual harassment ! wtf.
Well for now, I shall let the photos do the talking for you.

Spotted this girl in red infront of my when I was snapping photos. Sole Cute and Chubby.

Woo This is SJK (C) Chong Hwa ( Perempuan ) LOL

Those kids @ the main hall. So many cute ones.

Spotted this handsome boy. I bet he's gonna be super handsome when he grows up.

Those naughty kids got caught. Chung Hwa's trademark punishment weii. Classic !

Aww She's the BEST music teacher in Chung Hwa ! Steven and Jinn's mom.

Oh this is Madam Quek. LOL. Aging already. But still young in heart.

HAHA Mr. Ho remember ? I believe he inject something to make him look young.

Cute kids buying ice cream outside the school gate.

Oh ya this is Steven the-korean-boy-look-like-rain and Jinny the graphic designer ! They are my companion that day. =)

Steven with his SUPERMAN jump.

finally a group photo of us.
There's much more photos but too many to be posted up. All these will do. So any one of you still misses Chong Hwa school, please do go back and visit. HAHA the school is much more better without that former principle.
That's all for now.