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February 18, 2009

Twilight Teaser

Last Saturday, I went back to my old primary school, Chung Hwa with some of my friends. Took a lot of photos there. Reminds me back those days when I was small. And I did manage to took this shot outside the school gate when the Ice-cream man with his motorcycle came.


Wah the girl damn cute and the boy is sole handsome. This is Twilight Teaser kids version. NICE ?

More primary school, Chung Hwa photos coming up !

1 commented | have you ?:

[hide] karynong said...

hes not pale white nor has an ivory complexion.
she doesnt have brown hair nor looks like a klutz to me. she look...bored. or distracted.

cool pic anyway. DEFINATELY NOT TWILIGHT TEASER i suppose. =/

on February 18, 2009 at 10:35 PM

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