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March 12, 2009

We Went For High Tea

Last 2 weeks ago. ME and my church people went to Dynasty Hotel @ Jalan Ipoh for some High Tea. Yeah, 20 Bucks per adult quite reasonable. And so I brought my Ashley ! whole day with my 55-200mm lens. Kit lens spoiled. Remember ? Well, lets start off with this....

Did you realise that I always LOVE to do this when there's a mirror ?

Its finger foods. lol. Cute cute ones.

Sushi's is one of my favourite...

Pick up all these and berat hati la nak makan. Cause it looks so prettyyy.

Sweet and tasty cakes. Macro with 55-200 ? That's impossible weyh.

After 2 rounds of foods, Milton felt sleepy already. wadss diss weyhh.

And so, we started camwhore ! haha. Chris, Julius, Dineas and Myself.

We got bored, went to the toilet and camwhore. Seriously the girls gave us this poison.

A group photo of us all. A lot of them not there.... including me.

Woahhh. Gigantic lens ! Well let me rephrace, it looks big only. All the photos were taking using this. Imagine how far i must go when ever I snap.

The END.

PS : There's this new Laundry Bar opened near my place. You no need to run all the way to The Curve for that but you can get it here in Ampang. Lets go there one day !


Hurmm ? But why there's car wash service at the back of the bar ?
That's Weird.....

3commented | have you ?:

[hide] kellie♥ said...


the sushi looks so goood
i want!:D:D:D


on March 14, 2009 at 11:38 PM

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[hide] SCANFORVINIC said... LOVE sushi too..aspecially the price really reasonable ..!!

on March 19, 2009 at 7:57 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

ya man. cause sushi is raw. no need gas to cook it. XD

on March 20, 2009 at 5:04 PM

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