My sem break was not even fruitful at all till Suetmei invited me to hunt for monkeys for photoshoot. It's nearby my house at Taman Tar. Jungle all over. It was quite fun snapping those monkeys though, observing them how the way they acted and stuff. They are exactly alike human but just they don't have the intelligence.
When the moment I parked my car, it was all over the street !
This lady bought a packet of peanuts for them. I should have bought a packet too ! if not, I can get a photo with a monkey on my shoulder !
Well, when you can see a lot of monkeys around, you may wonder why there's a lot of em ? Especially the baby monkeys. Of cause they have no control on having sex with each other larhh. With the presence of us human around, they can even do this.
Yes, is this couple im talking about.
LOL. you know what I mean yea.
Young fella. damn active.
Very old couple I suppose ? ya know cause it stringed.
This fella damn sporting willing to pose this for me. Hunting for prey ?
Ya itz him again. Personally I love this close up shot.
Aww man, he suddenly turned emo. No friends ?
Trying to comfort this fella la. Look how near I went to.
She no balls to get near to it. HAHA
This is my first time hunting for monkeys. Lifeless or not ? you judge. haha.
7commented | have you ?:
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Hahahaha. I know these monkeys. Used to visit and feed them everyday. =p
NOwonder laa you know so many stuff. hahah. so monkeys there LOVE ur presence there i suppose.
LOL!!! she got no balls?! she memang got no balls.
hahaha just her teasing la, wayne. she always say ppl gay. so i say her no balls. XD and karyn, why ==" here ? haha.
woiiii. got attacked weh, of course dont dare to go near lar.
hahaha he was hunting for his own prey. Dunt tell me ur his prey? hahah. u just got shocked of his actions.
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