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May 27, 2009

Champions League Final

Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0 earlier this morning in the Champions League final in Rome to be crowned Europe's best team. In fact earlier before the match I'd predicted that Barcelona with win the title cause I know that Barca is a stronger team compared to Man Utd.

On the other side, Man Utd players wears a sad look on their face watching Barca crowned as champions.

Barca secured the Champions League crown in Rome, but I believe deeply that Man Utd will vowed to come back even stronger. Though I am quite fustrated about it but still, Barca deserved it.

PS : But one thing I hate is, those who recently support Barca after Man Utd crowned as EPL champions, are fake barca supporters. LOL. damn i knew ya'll hate Man Utd for that.
No hard feelings. Man Utd still Rocks.

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] Ulrik Fredrik said...


Just wondering, is the image at the bottom of this post from my blog?

Looks familiar. :D


on May 30, 2009 at 6:37 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

yes its from ur blog. cheers ! =)

on May 30, 2009 at 10:58 AM

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