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June 2, 2009

Girls Out There !

Have you girls ever heard of College Model Search 2008?


How about College Model Angels 2009?!

This year, the Photography Club of Inti University College is organizing the biggest college level model search event in Malaysia which is called College Model Angels 2009 (CMA )!

By just paying the registration fee of RM 15.00 you will get to stand a chance to :

-experience professional studio photoshoot by professional photographers,
-experience the Biggest modeling event in college level,
-get professional modelling training from modelling academy,
-exposure in magazines, newspaper, TV and Etc,
-prizes from sponsoring companies,
-modelling contracts from sponsoring companies,
-Last but not least, RM1000.00 Cash prize for the winner and RM200.00 for the 3 runner up!!

This competition is open to all Female who is currently pursuing studies in any colleges in Malaysia. There will be audition on this coming Saturday and Sunday(6 and 7 June) at Inti University College, Nilai.

For more information you can check out our official website for event schedule and details.

1 commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

they asked you to help promote too?
where you studying?
inti? =)

on June 7, 2009 at 2:06 AM

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