I guess this should probably be my last post for Cheer 09. Cause not much photos were nice taken from my camera. Well, hope it's still acceptable. Here's the updates for cheer 09 #part 2
First up, Niki Cheong the journalist from Star. Snapping chicks huh ?
Stompers team
Zodiac girls team
Charm national team
Dynamite team
Stompers in action !
Zodiac boys team
Blitzers team
Titans team
Xavier team
Calyx team
Shirtliff team
Vulcans boys team
Inferno team
Charm national team
Best crowd supporters
The judges from the US. Santwon McCray & Tye Colby Hill.
Myself and Dila with the backdrop
The bloggerss. Bryanlyt, Ewinee, Jamieliew, Mynjayz and Howard-U
I'm sorry if the team you are finding did not appear. Either photos captured not that nice or I didn't manage to take. Opps, my apologies.
And finally, MAD 2 MAX event @ MOS. Please do come. Everyone is invited.
7commented | have you ?:
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Nice pics, man. When I grow up, I wanna be a photographer like you! :P
Was good see young there!
looks like an awesome event man. so many erm...young...girls..haa...
Why no photo of me? *merajuk* Haha Kidding!
Nice pics, man. When I grow up, I wanna be a photographer like you! :P
Was good see young there!
Hey Niki, got ur photo. I haven put.. hurm I should PUT ! wait i put. hahahaha.
Wah lau! Haha I was only kidding! *shy*
-> when u grow up? hahaaaaaa ;P
looks like an awesome event man. so many erm...young...girls..haa...
haha chill la niki no need to be shy. LOL. u look great in the photos.
lol hard @ nikicheong's photo. HAHA
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