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August 24, 2009

CLIVE's 1st Anniversary


Friday night @ Zouk. Clive's 1st anniversary party. 8.30PM-11.00pm.

I was there with Suki, and met some of the bloggers there. Pinkpork, JessicaTan and TianChad. and not to forget, JoshLim. Thanks Jiawen for the passes but too bad I cant get you and your friends in. It's quite dumb and stupid for them to cheek the IDs where's it is just a normal magazine event. I manage to get in cause I'm the media as usual.

Im sure ya'll are pissed ! but anyhow, lets see what's happening inside !

Many people inside I barely can walk around but I manage to get a spot right infront stage.

The emcee for the night. Pietro and Jay Menon from

The hot models from Clive magazine.

And these guys played some games and won themselves bag pack, Goodyear goodie bag, and hand phones. Damn nice I should have join !

I want to win a new hand phone too ! But I was shocked that the next round involves condoms and bananas also the models.

But, someone push me up. I know im gonna get doomed by playing this game. Nothing more I can do. And I got to know the model that im gonna partner with. I didn't get her name it was too noisy. But its okay.

So, how does this game works? 6 condoms, 6 bananas which are hang on our neck. What the models need to do is to wear those bananas, condoms. Slowly slot in one by one. And what am i suppose to do is to open the packet for them.

Who's the fastest to finish it, Wins.

In process of putting those condoms in. HAHA. the inexperience me.

A shot of me and my partner.

Too bad im not the winner. Should say the last who finish. * Spot Chelsia Ng behind.

Winner got a handphone and a bluetooth speaker. Consolation prize I got from them for loosing is more den 100 piece of condoms from CARE. Who wants it ? Seriously, I don't need em right now.

JoshLim and Pinkpork joined the next game and they were unfortunate as well. I have no photos.

Camwhore with Pinkpork, TianChad and JessicaTan.

PS : Thanks Jiawen for the passes, Suki for the ride and Mojosh for the 40D.

6commented | have you ?:

[hide] Pork Chop said...

haha the inexperience u is now experienced! :P LOL anyway nice meeting ya :)

on August 25, 2009 at 12:55 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

haha not reli experience YET. hahaha. you're more experience lorh. nice meeting ya too.

on August 25, 2009 at 1:36 AM

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[hide] EVo said...

Heyo bro!! long time no kacau haha...been bz wei. i think ur new hair quite cool ah. like kena scratch during catfight la. haha...!

on August 26, 2009 at 1:34 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

EVo, my hair is cool but wahhh catfight scratch ?! =[

on August 26, 2009 at 9:23 PM

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[hide] Benghan said...

"Catfight" hahahaa. ... And the prizes ... Hmmmm ... In the end how do you settle them?

on August 27, 2009 at 12:45 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Benghan : I give them away. =D left a few piece with me thats it.

anyway my hair not cat fight la got design wan okay.

on August 27, 2009 at 12:59 PM

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