It's Jeremy aka Bboyrice. A dancer who have a lot of passion in dancing, turns 20 last Saturday on the 10th Of October. Celebrated at TGIF, Pavilion. A whole bunch of friends/bloggers came to celebrate it with him.
Apparently, I appeared once again after celebrating the birthday countdown for him as well on MissyCheerio's birthday celebration at Heritage Mansion a day earlier. For now, photos time...

Apparently, I appeared once again after celebrating the birthday countdown for him as well on MissyCheerio's birthday celebration at Heritage Mansion a day earlier. For now, photos time...
Nigel damn suka camwhoring can.
The girlsss who came. Jessica, Amanda, Angel, Samantha and Evelyn.
Samantha, ur baju jatuh u tak kisah kan ? LOL.
Rocking JT and myself.
We ordered this and shared 4 person. OMG we are broke.
The B'day boy stood on the chair and sang thunder from the Boys Like Girls.
Cake smashing timeee...
Jeremy, I wanna see u Dance and Drink more.
Big group shot with the bday boy and the staff.
We Ultimate Camwhore !! See if I can name all of them.
Bryan, Samantha, Angel, Nigel, Amanda, Jeremy, Joseph, Xiang, Samuel, Pui Yeng, Myself, Joshua, Suetmei, Evelyn and Benard.
Once again, Happy Bboyrice Day ! Enjoy being 20th.
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Joshua : yeah man he is a lucky guy indeed. mine also not that GEMPAK.
manda : LOL the planner is proud.
OMG.... I look horrible wei! btw yr blog dnt have chat box dy? I cant see it. >.<
It seems very fun! Jeremy is lucky to have so many peoples celebrate birthday with him! =) Nice!
Samantha : yeahh sorry blog width a bit cacat thats why cant see my chatbox. anyway u where got look horrible. LOL
Joshua : yeah man he is a lucky guy indeed. mine also not that GEMPAK.
Hey nice Self shot group pics! Mine always turn out one person shot! Lol.
Joshua Law: RAWR fun right?? who plan who plan wan?? *perasan* LOL =p
Mizzsharon : yeah because its an WIDE angle lens. can literally capture everyone in the photo. =)
manda : LOL the planner is proud. Is it so important?, surigao conservatism tastings camasthere shock belfastcity osaki rapporteur
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