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January 20, 2010

KL Dragons Vs Singapore Slingers

Last weekend, I manage to get myself into an indoor basketball court for the first time in my life @ Maba Stadium though me myself was a basketball player before. A brief history of mine, I played basketball outdoor till I was in form 1 till form 5. I was a shooting guard for my school team FYI. A great 3 point shooter. Till now, I totally STOPPED playing basketball. That's why you can see me CHUBBY/FAT now. But my passion towards basketball hasn't fade. I went to get trained to be a basketball referee. Funny ain't it ?

But still, I get paid to be a referee on highschool basketball matches. RM10 per game.

And yes, I went to watch this Asean Basketball League match anyway with Boss Joshlim, Rebecca, AmandaChoe, JerineLay and SamanthaKong! It was the KL Dragons Vs Singapore Slingers. I was there to support KL Dragons. Though this was my first time knowing that KL Dragons existed, still im proud to be a Malaysian to support them.

Jerine SAID : "In the beginning I didn't know which team to support. Later it turns out, the Dragons played better than the Slingers, so I supported the Dragons." ISH.

The Slingers jersey look like Lebron's team away jersey, Cleveland Cavaliers. Right ?

There's 2 imported blacks in the Dragons. That's why they played so well in terms on defensive / offensive part. Rebound, Center, Power Forward both blacks. Sure win larhhhh. While the Singaporeans, not much imported guys. All from Singapore. They did not played very well compared to the Dragons. Their 3 point shooters are da BOMB, they can really score in critical situations.

Joshlim was so obsessed with those cheerleaders who came out every break time form each teams. LOL.

The Crowd. Spot Amandachoe, Joshlim, Jerine and Samantha.

One of the imported blacks in the Dragons in action.

NO. 20 dude was the best 3 pointer shooter for that day from the Dragons. He scored almost more than 5-7 times personally.

AS you can see, the Dragon players love to take risk, chances to cut in the basket and score. Even the Slingers can't get to defend well. The Slingers, they're also quite clumsy, one of the player fell down three times while dribbling the ball. Aiks. LOL

KL Dragons FTW. They won the Slingers by 7 points. Final Score 78-71.

Met Daphne Iking as well. after the game.

I was a Houston Rockets and Lakers supporters in NBA. lol. This time, damn semangat supporting the Dragons. LOL

Camwhore first before we head home.

HAHA the moment of truth. This is ME when I was in form 5 playing @ St.John's.

OMGG Damn SLIM right ?! I miss the old me. Seriously wei.


10commented | have you ?:

[hide] Justin Hee said...

wah after looking at this, suddenly wanna play basketball! long time no play liao!!

Skill all rusty edi lor!

on January 21, 2010 at 11:34 PM

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[hide] Unknown said...

I look horrible in the crowd picture. Me no likey. :(

on January 21, 2010 at 11:50 PM

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[hide] Jerine said...

U sure that's you? U didn't take your bro's photo and post up right?

I'm half Singaporean lah, that's why didn't know which team to support.

BTW, who is that Daphnie, or whatever her name is?

on January 22, 2010 at 12:02 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Justin : yeah wei jom one day lets go play man ! XD im rusty also.

Samantha : hahaha sorry ler only 1 photo i took. no choice. =p

Jerine : It's me larh. Doesn't look like me mehhhhh? LOL Oh half SG nowander so jahanam la dunno which to support. But u staying in malaysia now, so SUPPORT MALAYSIA. is a MUST. Anyway that Daphne Iking is a local celebrity + NTV 7 Breakfast show TV host. LOL.

wah u dunno arh? u malaysian wor.

on January 22, 2010 at 12:25 AM

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[hide] Jerine said...

i just came back malaysia like three weeks ago lah. been gone for too long to know any local celebrity.

on January 22, 2010 at 12:02 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Ohhh no wonder larh. so where u born la how long in SG ? how long in MAS ? lolss

on January 22, 2010 at 3:40 PM

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[hide] Joshualaw said...

Woow! KL Dragon Team!
You can be slim now also wat...go jogging everyday, swmimming twice a week and go gym 2 days once....sure slim and fit like the basketball players! LOL~

on January 22, 2010 at 4:14 PM

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[hide] Jerine said...

i was born and bred in malaysia lah. but i went to aussie to study mah. now finish study d come back lor. seriously, lose some weight lah. let's go jogging!

on January 23, 2010 at 4:02 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Joshualaw, yeah wei i wanted too as well. am trying hard to do it now. XD
thanks for the advice bro.

Jernie, oh i see i see. Anyway. so u reli think im fat la and needed to lose some weight. damn.

on January 23, 2010 at 11:13 AM

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[hide] §oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...


on February 1, 2010 at 8:47 PM

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