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February 24, 2010

Studio C Live

Ever heard of Studio C? NO? Well, It’s a live music event that has been ongoing since January and will be ending next month.

The likes of Pop Shuvit, Bunkface, One Buck Short, Estranged, and many other local & international bands had performed/will be performing in the regional Studio C event! Awesome ain't it?

Studio C event

Interested? Come for the next one!

It will be at Hard Rock Cafe KL (25th February 2010) featuring…

Hard Rock Cafe KL

The Applicants, Disagree and Pesawat

If you think 25th February is too soon, not to worry… Make yourself free on the 6th March 2010 and join us at KL Live, Life Centre KL! (Yes i’ll be there!)

KL Live Life Centre

Pop Shuvit, Sundays Record and Moving Units will be playing on that day! As well as…

An Honest Mistake band

An Honest Mistake playing as the special guest band of the night! Personally I love AHM's ganre of music. With all the head banging and all. The shouting in the end of certain songs, the feel is there. Emo punk kinda songs rock my socks. If you LOVE local music band, it's certainly worth attending Studio C !

So if you’re interested to join us, let me know yeah. ALL are invited young or old. So I shall See you on 6th March 2010 @ KL Live! Let's party, people.

PS : I wish i were in a band as well. As a lead singer. but oh well................

visit for more info.