Here's the place to compete and show the world out there whatchu got. The winner will be getting RM8000! Quite nice la the grand price. lol. Anyway here are some pictures !
KL Live. I think I've been there more times than Maison now. Every week there's an event there. Parking is deadly flat rate expensive.
Not bad la the crowd inside KL Live.
Once upon a time, there's a sausage called Bob.
Leonard Chua the Guitarist from An Honest Mistake.
Darren Teh the lead singer of An Honest Mistake.
A picture with da Professional photographer Ewin EE and the lovely girlfriend.
Long time no see Jessica and Debbie with friends.
Leonard Chua, Jessica and ME.
With the girls Adeline, Michelle and Debbie.
Here's a Video taken by my D300s. Featuring An Honest Mistake. Enjoy!