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August 20, 2010

Why I Deserve To Meet Wayne Rooney in Person?

Why I Deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in Person?

Give me a chance to meet him in person is a once in a life time opportunity for me. Wait, who's Wayne Rooney? A question everyone should know.

Oh well, who doesn't know who is Wayne Rooney? He's the Oh-famous-football-player currently playing in the Premier League club Manchester United and the England national team. He's on my blog HEADER By the way. Keeping an eye of me.

Not to mention he's the Nike Football ambassador and a TIGER BEER ambassador as well. He's like an icon to me when ever it comes to football.

This is Wayne Rooney. Very talented player, a play maker in the field. He has the skills, the technique and all. He has aggressiveness but sometimes its a lil too over, but he's slowly growing up ever since he joined Man Utd. Now, he's a more mature football player and I don't see him fighting all the time anymore. It's good thing! I still remembered how hot tempered he was when he's 17-18 years old. Horrible. He can protest and fightback when ever he's not happy with the ref decision Or someone tackled him badly. When he does that, SURELY a RED card and off he go.

Although he's bad tempered that time but he's a super rising star. On his first match when he played for Man Utd, I was watching him playing. Yes on TV. I've to go to school the next day and I Scarified myself by staying up early in the morning 3am just to watch him play on his first match. He scored a hat trick with 3 goals on his own at the debut against Fenerbahce in 2004. On that first sight onwards, I was truly a big fan of him already. He's a deadly striker! So far, England's BEST striker. Other than being a striker, for me, I think he's good in play making. Not just a striker. He can pass, he can cross better than anyone else as a striker position. Not to mention, he's a goalscoring machine last season when Ronaldo's departure to Real Madrid.

Besides, Rooney made his England debut in 2003 and, at UEFA Euro 2004, he briefly became the competition's youngest goalscorer. He has also been awarded the PFA Players' Player of the Year and the FWA (Football Writers' Association) Footballer of the Year in 2009–10. A very influencial football player. That's why he is one of the young famous footballer in the WORLD. Appart from his ex-teammate; Cristiano Ronaldo. Both of them are awesome players! They're invetiable in the field.

How I get to know about Man Utd?

It was when I was still young. I couldn't recall. Perhaps when I was as young as 12 years old. An England and Manchester United Fan.


Very obvious, I looked like a kid in these 2 photos. How fit I was and active in playing futsal every weekend. It's been 8 years a true Man Utd fan. Now, I'm getting rusty! But I'm more to watching him playing on the EPL. Last time I would have just seen him a few times on the TV, mostly on pictures of him in da newspaper!


Hurm, I think it was when the World Cup at Korea is going on. I was so crazy about football. People betting balls and all, I couldn't be bothered. But the country I supported was, ENGLAND. Why England you ask?

Because MAN UTD = ENGLAND. In a way. If you realize most of the players in England is playing for Man Utd! Majority of em. Players like Rooney, Ferdinand, Scholes, Owen, Carrick, Brown, Neville, Hargreaves, Alan Smith, Eric Cantona and so much more.

I remembered, it was last year when they had a Man Utd Asia Tour. Our Country, Malaysia is selected! I was so exited that I must attend all including the press conference, 2 days training passes + match passes. Even including the rematch! So happy at that moment. Let the photos speaks for me.

Me with the 20 ft. huge poster!

Press conference. Only 4 of em appeared! Flecher, Gibson, Ferdinand and Nani. My put high hopes on Rooney to appear on the press con. But.... it's okay. But i think I manage to tap Ferdinand's shoulder! :)

Up they go! They're playing with our Malaysians enthusiast young football players.

I was with Joshua, Kim. And not to forget, Niki Cheong, Ian from the Star Rage.

Bukit Jalil Stadium in Malaysia. Perfect birds eye view. Enjoyed the match! it ended an exiting 3-2. A win to Man Utd.

Training session with the Man Utd players. It's my first time seeing them in real life. But only behind my viewfinder. :(

Spot Wayne Rooney in No.10 !!! You can't see his number, I think you can spot his body figure.

Other than that, Rooney had his own family too! His wife, Coleen Rooney with their son name, Kai Wayne Rooney. Hoping to meet them as well? Kai looks like his father. So chubby and cute. PINCH* Don't you think so?

On the other hand,

I've Attended this Tiger Beer regional online influencer challenge last week. And Team Captain, Me and Eric Yong from Advertlets each of us won a carton of Tiger Beer back home! As you can see. I'm up there for anything. As long it's for meeting Rooney in Person. Well, this is just a head start!

BTW, Here's a video of Wayne Rooney's Tiger Beer Advertisement before I explain what is it all about.

Tiger Beer is offering something GOOD for us! and let me tell you what's it all about.

Here's how it works!

A brief of what I needa focus on. I'm in a run to meet the famous football player from England and Manchester United, Wayne Rooney in PERSON. I get to PARTY with him, hang out with him, have lunch with him, get his autographs, get some official merchandise, Q&A session and the best part is, I get to play some balls with him on the field.

I'm competing myself with 3 other regional countries in Asia. Singapore, Vietnam and that includes bloggers from Malaysia as well. Fellow friends of mine, I need some of your huge support to support me! I need 10 supporters to support me.

Here's my 10 Influential Supporters for my TIGER DREAM TEAM line ups !


Basically, I'm the captain of this team. The rest are my team mates! Supporters in a way. They're HERE to support me! THANKS TEAM MATES!

These 10 teammates of mine will get a FULL EXPENSE PAID PARTY courtesy of Tiger Beer for those who have the most comments in his/her blog post. If lets say i'm the chosen one, you 10 people are gonna PARTY with me courtesy of TIGER :)

Here are my teammates who supported me through out the whole campaign for me to meet Wayne Rooney! Check out their blog people.

Striker Josh lim from

Central midfielder from

Left winger from

Center back midfielder from

Central defender from

Side back defender from

Center back from

Lastly, Goal Keeper from

Even Feeqsays network blogged about me. Aweosmeness i love em all!

It's good that my supporters are there for me to support me all long. I really appreciate all their effort in helping me as a friend, wanting me to be there to meet Rooney and share with everyone back here in Malaysia. Thanks a lot guys!

And Of cause I will not forget the ones that supported me all along as well. Show your support alright.

I've always wanted the chance to fly out of the country and see the world. But Sadly, the opportunity wasn't there yet for me. I hope, this is my chance to really fly out of the country and to Manchester to meet Wayne Rooney! Not just by taking photos or just shacking his hand. Imagine, the feeling of sitting down with him, lunch while having a talk session with him, being in Old Trafford stadium with all the other fans watching Live matches, having a tour around the Stadium. 5 Days 4 nights there in Manchester. Like What? It's like my ultimate dream for me to be there.

Old Trafford, The Theater of Dreams! Oh man i wanan small the grass there!

Send a representative from Malaysia to Old Trafford. Send me there and I'm sure I will take this opportunity to share with you guys my journey there to Manchester with Wayne Rooney. As you can see, I'm really serious on getting this and I'll do whatever it takes.

I'm similar to Tiger Football Champion, Wayne Rooney because I used to play futsal very often when I was in secondary school. Tho I play basketball at times. But I love kicking those balls as well. Being a striker on the futsal field is my position. I love to score goals! WHY? The feeling of scoring goals is the feeling when everyone is eying on you, talking stuff about you, talking how great are you and then, you'll be as great as him and become a legend like him.

I think I deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in person and play football with him because we share the same passion and FIRE in what ever I do; just like Rooney !

Why I Deserve to FLY all the way to Manchester and meet Wayne Rooney in Person?

For you guys who's really a HUGE Man Utd/Wayne Rooney fan. Support me to be there by giving your opinions/suggestions/feedback/questions/comments regarding to this whole thing that you've read in this post.

Before I end this, " What is one question you would like to ask Wayne Rooney about "The Game Never Ends TVC" ? State your questions on this comment box, who knows you're question might be the lucky one to get picked. And you will win a piece of signed merchandise from Wayne Rooney himself!

Thank You so much for your time reading this. Appreciate it a lot. Also, support me by sharing this link to your friends!

Now, I need you to tell me why I deserve to meet Wayne Rooney?


109commented | have you ?:

[hide] TianChad田七摄影 said...

Because you are a huge fans and taking the first step to grab a chance meeting him

on August 20, 2010 at 3:03 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Chad Yeah really wanted this so badly.

on August 21, 2010 at 12:59 PM

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[hide] Eric said...

wahhh... not bad i like ur post.

on August 20, 2010 at 7:09 PM

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[hide] wai2kit said...

Woot! Meeting him and kicking a ball with him?? Good luck, i'm a Liverpool fan but i still like Rooney a lot, but can't compare with you la, blady hardcore MU fan lol.

Good luck! Rooting for ya

on August 21, 2010 at 1:57 AM

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[hide] Eric said...

u noe what...

it seems like u r as big of a Man United fan as I am. N of cos, Wayne Rooney fanatic too!! =)

I would want u to win it too. The best thing that can happen now is....

LETS SHARE THE PRIZE! Ask Tiger to bring us both there!

on August 21, 2010 at 2:06 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Thanks man. Yes a big MU fan like you. A true MU fan deserve it ! :)

@Mia Tang yeah since small i supported MU until now, once MU, forever MU. yeah, never miss a match ma. When he's out there in the field, he's the playmaker! awesome guy. ya i will take a lottt of photographs. :) Thanks again!

@Karyn Yeah if i were selected, im gonna be a MAD person too!!!

@Botakai You've been very supportive! Thanks man, YES i will just do it and do whatever it takes! :))) Thanks again.


on August 21, 2010 at 12:59 PM

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[hide] Jennifer Mia Tang said...

Hey Jason,OHGOD I can feel your passionate over FOOTBALL-ROONEY-MAN UTD-ENGLAND after reading this. Man you're indeed his hardcore fan! I guess mostly people changes their supporting teams as they grow,but you never!*impressed*
And also as a follower of your twitter,I noticed you always mention about Man Utd match. I remembered the last tweet was last week,about the Tiger Beer event,if I'm not mistaken.
So,NO DOUBT,you deserve the chance to meet your idol Rooney!
I hope you do and don't forget to bring me back with some photographs!
Good luck!

on August 21, 2010 at 2:25 AM

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[hide] karynong said...

u should totally meet him because u could use some of his football skills (hahahaha no offence) & it'd be a gr8 experience to meet your idol...i mean, i would be totally out of my mind if i met my idols :D

on August 21, 2010 at 2:27 AM

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[hide] botakai said...

Go bro i support you !! Since you are a super huge fan !! believe, nothing is impossible !! everything is possible just have to work for it and never give up !! You have my support in this !!! I understand how you feel to be able to meet your idol. Have faith and work for it !!! I never believe in giving up ! Since rooney is Nike ambassador, as nike say, Just Do It ! =)

on August 21, 2010 at 2:28 AM

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[hide] Dan Khoo said...

YO BRADER! sama sama MU fan here :)
they ARE da best team in the world baybeh! i hope you win this chance toooo, then ask him to pimp Malaysia! (or Bolehland too HAHA)

on August 21, 2010 at 3:00 AM

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[hide] waiyan said...

i'd support anyone who's a true united fan (:
are you obviously are, so i feel you deserve to meet him because of that :) !

and i deserve an autographed jersey from rooney hee :p

on August 21, 2010 at 3:39 AM

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[hide] Samuel C said...

Omg you look so cute when you were 12! well i guess you deserve to meet him up since ur like a super duper big fan of his and a party isn't a party without Jason there! LOL

on August 21, 2010 at 5:55 AM

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[hide] missyblurkit said...

WOW! To be flown there. To meet wayne rooney eyeball to eyeball. To be able to kick some balls with wayne rooney. To even get his autographed jersey! WOWZERS!

And for all the efforts you've taken to write... You definitely deserve to be the winner!

And you're a hardcore man u fan. So you definitely must meet wayne rooney and the rest of man u. And so you should be the winner.

Yes! Make jason the winner!

on August 21, 2010 at 8:09 AM

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[hide] ~ Xi@nGCooL ~ said...

Hey Bro,

I think you deserve to win the chance to meet Wayne Rooney since you're a huge fans of him, from the first match you been supported him till now.

Apart from that, you been trying hard to meet him in the past Man U World Tour but too bad he's absent during the tour, that surely let you down.

Lastly, because you the famous blogstar, photographerstar and clubstar, you deserve to meet the football star Wayne Rooney! xD

on August 21, 2010 at 9:05 AM

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[hide] JonYKT said...

Jason! Wow, your passion for Man U started so young, you deserve it! And also the first time you got to see Rooney, but only through your camera's viewfinder, it's a must for you to see Rooney upclose & personal this time!

on August 21, 2010 at 9:49 AM

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[hide] bryanlyt said...

Hey you posted this so late, the more i'm gonna support you bro. See you posted till so MU-passionated, i think Tiger should send you over to UK lah. Tiger, Wayne Rooney, Manchester United... all three also damn ngam you. Keep on rawking bro, all the best! :D

on August 21, 2010 at 9:53 AM

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[hide] walauwei said...

Looking at you being a young and die hard fan of Wayne Rooney, you deserve to meet him and inspire to be like him...

I really hope that you meet him!

Good luck!

on August 21, 2010 at 10:22 AM

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[hide] Amanda Janelle Quah said...

JASON!! Here's one VERY IMPORTANT word as to why you deserve to to meet Wayne Rooney in person!! PASSION!!

I can feel how much you love football, England Manchester United and especially Wayne Rooney through your post. You're doing whatever you can to meet him in person and perseverance is vital, in my opinion.

And plus, he's like your football icon and you totally deserve to meet your icon cuz it will be a totally life changing experience for you!

Rooting for you, all the best k! =)

on August 21, 2010 at 10:34 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Looking at the way you talk about how you supported Rooney since young and being a super big fan, you should totally be given a chance. Some people only want to meet him because he is a star. Ever since I met you, you have been wearing that ManU jersey of yours and even once I gave you a Barca jersey, you told me "ManU for life". I was just speechless during that moment. I wish you all the luck man and have fun!

on August 21, 2010 at 11:00 AM

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[hide] Jon Wong said...

Jason oh Jason, when I read blogs, I'll usually skip through most of the words but you actually made me read every single words written in this post. You've impressed me with your passion. The world needs more people like you. I wish you the best of luck in meeting Rooney. Go for it, bro!

on August 21, 2010 at 11:07 AM

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[hide] HanieHyde said...


as we all know here, passion towards something is important as it'll be the drive to achieve something. without the fuel, the car won't start. And it is obvious through you're undying support for MU and there's no doubt that it will help you win this competition.

Almost everytime I see you, you'd be in the MU jersey so I guess being able to meet Rooney and going to Manchester would be a once in a lifetime experience you'd never forget. This is an opportunity you must grab, as a young and energetic person, filled with drive and passion.

I pray for you to win, as I know that the rest of us can live the dream through reading your experience in your blog =)

on August 21, 2010 at 11:07 AM

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[hide] MissEmelyn said...

just because you're one big fans of him and you definitely deserve it!

on August 21, 2010 at 11:12 AM

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[hide] smashpOp said...

WAHLAOOOO I have never seen a blogger as passionate about ManU like you before ahahah just look at all the photos of you in MU jersey.. MU events etc...

You DEFINITELY DESERVE to win lah seriously.. GO MYNJAYZ!!!!!

on August 21, 2010 at 11:19 AM

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[hide] FeeQ said...

U really supposed to meet him because i can see ur effort XD

on August 21, 2010 at 11:36 AM

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[hide] aaron said...

There's should be one and the only one reason why you deserve a meet with Wayne Rooney.


Passion beats everything. And you, mynjayz has it all.

on August 21, 2010 at 12:08 PM

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[hide] vin_ann said...

hey bro,

Im a MU fan too! But im not too fancy about individual player.

you have shown your great effort and passion to meet with Rooney, which other hardly can compete with you.

You not only reserve to meet with Wayne Rooney, you also must go feel the MU stadium.. smell the grass where Wayne Rooney training ground. The ground that Rooney grow.

All the best!

on August 21, 2010 at 12:29 PM

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[hide] EVo said...

I feel u thru all ur words bro. Very simple reason..cos u wana spread the love of #bromance. We is all da brothers!

on August 21, 2010 at 1:12 PM

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[hide] Justin Hee said...

Great Passion and Dedication man!
Being a huge fan I understand this passion a lot. Everyone has their greatest fan they admire the most.

Therefore You should be given this chance to see him.
Go kick so Balls with Him!

on August 21, 2010 at 1:12 PM

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[hide] Wilson Ng said...

I just want to win the beer party, chill bro. See I come and support u!

Help me to win the beer party by commenting

on August 21, 2010 at 1:19 PM

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[hide] Esty said...

cause you're cuter than him? no? :)

on August 21, 2010 at 1:50 PM

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[hide] Galvin Tan said...

Great post from a competitor :) Just for the sake of the readers here, they should knwo who your competitor is...

Cheers and may the best man wins!

on August 21, 2010 at 2:04 PM

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[hide] Rebecca Saw said...

Very well written dear. I "felt" the need & passion thru yr written words.
Indeed I do agree that you deserve to go Manchester. For one, I'm sure you will then be discipline to lose weight right? so you will look good when ya dining & playing some balls with Wayne ;p
Which then in turn improves your lifestyle & health.
Oh Yes, indeed u must win!

on August 21, 2010 at 2:09 PM

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[hide] Wendy said...

Cause your 2002-2003 shot is damn cute :P

on August 21, 2010 at 2:20 PM

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[hide] Shelyn said...

Can tell you're a true MU + Rooney die hard fan. Seriously hope you win this thangggg. gdluck jason!

on August 21, 2010 at 3:06 PM

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[hide] ♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...

Good luck!

I'm Manchester United fan!

Even my blog cursor used MU logo~


U deserved to meet him by hook or by crook!


on August 21, 2010 at 3:42 PM

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[hide] Ariff Shah said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

on August 21, 2010 at 3:43 PM

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[hide] Ariff Shah said...

You deserve to go because I like your post!

All the best dude! I'll try to support you with whatever resources I have.

on August 21, 2010 at 3:46 PM

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[hide] Melz said...

Man! nice post and u should tell him to read your post! hehe

on August 21, 2010 at 3:48 PM

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[hide] Wen Pink said...

Yo! So much effort there! If u don't win it then they must be dumb! You are such a loyal fan!! :) good luckkk!

on August 21, 2010 at 6:38 PM

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[hide] AngelKein♥ said...

Because you're passionate about MU and the way you write about it even captures MY attention and I don't really fancy football! :)

and because you so hot. lolol

on August 21, 2010 at 7:56 PM

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[hide] Jeffro said...

Cos you're a great fan and great supporter of MU... all those faithful years and even till this moment, never ending support you have shown.. and also it's your dream! that's more than enough reason to meet him in person :)

on August 21, 2010 at 8:27 PM

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[hide] *pandaaa said...

Hey Jason!

Wow, I haven't been to your blog in awhile, but I'm liking your undying loyalty to Man Utd!

It's so hard to keep up with the EPL here in Melbourne.
Good luck with meeting Wayne Rooney, I hope you win it! Just make sure to get me an autograph, okay?

I miss watching Man United matches with fellow fans. The atmosphere is crazy! Good on you for adding to that :)

Love from Down Under!

on August 21, 2010 at 8:57 PM

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[hide] yinxie said...

Jason ONG!

Since your name have the ONG in your name word, hope it brings you more luck in winning a ticket to see Rooney =)

Didn't know you're such a big fan of them! But from this post, I know how big huge fan of him! And Man Utd!

Good Luck and all the best in the game =) hugs!

on August 22, 2010 at 12:44 AM

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[hide] Michelle Lee said...

Woot! loyal fan much :p obsessionnyeeee.

So many times you refuse to sleep because of football i remember! LOL! Make sure you meet him man, worth all your sleepless nights.

on August 22, 2010 at 1:02 AM

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[hide] Sumandak From the Land Below the Wind said...

Yo Jason,

As a Man U fan myself, will support you all the way! Like your post very much.

Of course you deserve it,man! Don't forget to take as much up close photo of Rooney for me yea!

on August 22, 2010 at 1:18 AM

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[hide] Victoria said...

Now this is a chance of a life time! And myself being an avid Manchester fan would love to be in the run for this so that I can meet Rooney MYSELF, but I guess Jason would be a better Manchester United freak and represent of all the ManU fans to go meet Rooney, party with Rooney, eat with Rooney..

I want an autograph and probably a kiss from Rooney on the autograph thank you! Lol
Owh, and a Rooney jersey.
A note from Rooney that say "Hi Victoria" would be lovely too! =D

Really hope that Jason here gets it because I know he will help me get it all wtf hahahaha <3

on August 22, 2010 at 1:37 AM

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[hide] said...

This MYNJAYZ.. Crazy MU Fan..

Tidur MU.. Makan MU... Mandi MU... Everything oso MU..

Never seen such a passionate fan towards MU and his idol Wayne Rooney. He deserves to go cause he has the heart and drive to achieve his dreams. Never giving up and constantly challenging his barriers.

Realizing his dream will truly make him the happiest man on Earth...
This guy can even be the maskot of MU.. waahaha...
Everything oso MU.. Wanna know anything about MU.. Ask MynJayz... Walking MU dictionary..

MU updates.. all on Twitter.. Facebook... etc... etc...

*fingers crossed* for this guy to meet Wayne Rooney... =)

on August 22, 2010 at 2:34 AM

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[hide] meiyingt said...

Woots. U go Jason! Seeing the world is a must!

And meeting Wayne Rooney is icing on the cake!

I want you to win this cause I hope after you do, Rooney can talk into playing football more often, and you will be fitter and look handsome! Just like your photos when you were younger.

<3 Go get 'em tiger!

on August 22, 2010 at 2:43 AM

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[hide] Helenness Chong said...

Your power of persuasion will get you your chance to meet him in person. Very well written.

on August 22, 2010 at 4:31 AM

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[hide] Unknown said...

You deserve to meet Rooney because you are one of the MOST HARDCORE of MU & ROONEY himself that I have ever know in my life. Is your dream to meet him in real life and I really hope you will be able to do so! ;)

on August 22, 2010 at 10:39 AM

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[hide] vivian said...

You definitely deserve to meet Wayne Rooney after years of being so supportive toward MU and Wayne Rooney, himself! A loyal fans,indeed.

Good luck and hope you can meet him in real =)

on August 22, 2010 at 10:58 AM

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[hide] kim said...

JASON! Stop camwhoring with your MU jersey! Just go UK and camwhore with Wayne Rooney because we know how much you love camwhore, and MU :) Pretty sure you gonna feed us with plenty eye candy shots yea if you are lucky to enough to fly to UK yay! good luck bro! :)

on August 22, 2010 at 11:16 AM

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[hide] Florence Khay said...

Hey Jason!
You really deserve to meet Wayne Rooney!

on August 22, 2010 at 11:28 AM

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[hide] Henry Lee said...

Jason, u should really be the one to meet Wayne Rooney because you like the number 10 and that's my favorite number! Weeeeeeee~

on August 22, 2010 at 11:32 AM

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[hide] yauhui said...

Your passion really stunned me and left a very strong impression. All respect to your commitment. Manchester United simply deserves such loyal fans as you are!

on August 22, 2010 at 11:41 AM

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[hide] Dila Ariff said...

i know la you very BIG HUGE ASS fan of ManU. everything also ManU. only one thing NOT ManU, is your car! go pimp your car weyh! paint it red and then put the ManU logo at the sides. FUAHHHHH! damn cun!

eh, you know so much about this Rooney hor. support him for so long edi. damn good eh you. very passionate punya. bagus bagus, i like! :)

aiyo, go la, go all. make sure you take me, enough edi :P

on August 22, 2010 at 12:06 PM

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[hide] Janise Lim Yun Xin said...

Hey Jason! (: I like your post! I didn't know so much about Wayne Rooney! hahaaha! Can see that you're a Big fan of MU! I really hope you'll stand a chance to meet Rooney! (: (: oh oh! You look so adorable when you're young! hahaha


on August 22, 2010 at 12:35 PM

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[hide] excalade89 said...

Rooney maybe not performing well in the World Cup, but he's a great talent. GO MAN UTD!!!! :)

on August 22, 2010 at 2:15 PM

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[hide] EWIN said...

Very very good blog post.
enough said.
thumbs up

Pls bring him to see Wayne Rooney.

on August 22, 2010 at 2:17 PM

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[hide] Cai Jin said...

Good luck with it, Jason. X

on August 22, 2010 at 2:25 PM

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[hide] Denise said...

Wow. SUch a dedicated post regarding Rooney. =D

Hope you'll totally win this and get a chance to meet him.

You have my full support.


on August 22, 2010 at 7:38 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

I cant get to reply one by one right now but all i wannna say is....


on August 22, 2010 at 7:40 PM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

gibson is irish, not english.

on August 22, 2010 at 8:18 PM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Proud of you. just do it.. Supporting you here !

on August 22, 2010 at 8:42 PM

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[hide] seeWei said...

jason ong should go beause he is crazy about wayne rooney. more than anyone i've ever known!

on August 22, 2010 at 8:45 PM

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[hide] bunnyboo said...

jason ong should definitely mean wayne rooney because

1. He is seriously crazy about wayne rooney
2. Never seen him want something so badly.
3. He deserves the chance to see someone he admires so much since ages.
4. oh my god just give it to him!!

jason ong will appreciate it so much he'll blog about it so bad that everyone gonna love the person that gave jason ong the chance!

on August 22, 2010 at 8:54 PM

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[hide] DONOVAN ST CHAN said...

Though I’ve read many blogs about this campaign, none has given me a satisfactory explanation to leave my comment than Jason.

When I read this blog post, one can sense the excitement of a true ardent fan, just like a celebration of victory and despair of defeat after a soccer match.

This blog post ignites such passion in so many ways, and the main answer is all said in this blog post. Jason loves Wayne Rooney in its purest form.

That’s why I think you deserve to meet your true soccer idol Wayne Rooney and I pretty darn hope you freakin meet the talented RedDevil!

on August 22, 2010 at 9:07 PM

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[hide] MissyCheerio said...

I would love to see Wayne Rooney, but I think you deserve it more since you're a boy wtf.

on August 22, 2010 at 9:11 PM

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[hide] Joshua Yap said...

JASON ONG from deserved to meet Rooney!!! because....

1. he has similar size even though not as tall as rooney. i beat their shirt size are the same!

2. Rooney got attitude just like jason!! well some times.

3. he did hell lot of effort for this post. i can see it's damm long. well since my face is in there he deserve!!

4. when he sleeps he used to moan for rooney's name. something very unusual.

5. im he's neighbor.

6. he's so passionate that his room is full of his posters. obsession much!

7. if he wins he will owe me lunch.

Good luck Jason. and i mean it!!

on August 22, 2010 at 9:19 PM

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[hide] Kelvin -KtheBlogger- Tan said...

You deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in Manchester because of your determination, your conviction and your love for Man United.

Can see how much you want it more than anybody in the world.

on August 22, 2010 at 9:19 PM

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[hide] bryanlyt said...

yay, i'm deployed as left midfield, just as the position i'm always used to playing aside from right midfield. time is running out, good luck! :)

on August 22, 2010 at 9:23 PM

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[hide] x k e l l y x e m o x said...

Fellow Man U supporter!!! XD
Every fan deserve to meet their Idol.
Glory Glory Man United!!!

on August 22, 2010 at 9:29 PM

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[hide] MissyCheerio said...

I forgot.
You deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in person because you share the same passion and fire in what you do; just like Rooney !

on August 22, 2010 at 9:34 PM

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[hide] Rames said...

You deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in person because can see you damn like him lol :D

Get me an autograph for me ya? Why coz you gonna definitely meet him :D

on August 22, 2010 at 9:54 PM

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[hide] Reuben said...

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

You will get to meet him bro.

on August 22, 2010 at 9:59 PM

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[hide] Jacquelyn Ho said...

i could sense ur passion and ur love even by readin this post! if i was already emotional, i would have cried after reading though :p which is why deep down in my hurt, i think u deserve to win :)

go jason!

on August 22, 2010 at 11:09 PM

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[hide] Eric said...

At pretty much the 11th hour... I have decided that... I WILL BE JOINING JASON'S TEAM!!! I had been thinking... remember my previous update? I dont think you all should support any of those 3 'girls' there... I mean, seriously - dont bother supporting Wilson... Mike... or Galvin. The person whom you should support is... JASON ONG!!!

In the next 2 days, I will be campaigning for Jason... WHY AM I DOING SO? It is because... If there was someone who's going to win it from me - it has to be JASON. So... if you cant beat them, might as well join them. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT RIGHT HERE!!!

on August 22, 2010 at 11:35 PM

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[hide] HanieHyde said...

AAAWWWWWWW I see everyone's photo on the mock field already!! ;)

and you gave me a nice number, that's what we were talking about today and it's a nice touch to show teamwork. We're all here for you Jason!


on August 23, 2010 at 1:00 AM

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[hide] junseRn said...

well from one MU fan to another... i respect your effort put in to meet one of your idol... i manage to meet the players in person the last time they came in 2001... basically was waiting at KLIA at 5am in the morning... manage to shook hand with Jaap Stam and of course the big big fella then Mr David Beckham himself! so i know how how you feel! so I say go! meet Rooney! and dun forget to bring me along! wuahahaha


on August 23, 2010 at 1:31 AM

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[hide] junseRn said...

btw i should be your keeper! haha... been playing in that position ever since i know how to play football hahaha coz i kaki bangku!

on August 23, 2010 at 1:33 AM

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[hide] Legal Cat said...

Not a ManUtd fan but I did saw Wayne Rooney played when he was stil with Everton and that man has skillz... Your post does show how big a supporter u r for ManU and him too. Good luck!

on August 23, 2010 at 10:28 AM

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[hide] Alex Rudra said...

Dude, you put a lot of effort and your heart into why you should meet one of the greatest footballers in the world, and that's good enough. You certainly get my vote :)

on August 23, 2010 at 10:48 AM

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[hide] Sham Hardy said...

Jason.. u look different weih in the pictures.. LOL! anyway, good luck bro! :D

on August 23, 2010 at 11:46 AM

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[hide] Jaclyn said...

go mynjayz!
got FTW :)
full support from me, fatty and ally :D

on August 23, 2010 at 11:48 AM

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[hide] Victoria said...

Jason Ong from is obviously deserve to meet him because he is a huge fan of ROONEY-MAN UTD-ENGLAND! Hardcore fan yo! Look all the effort he has put in this post.

Bestest of luck! Go Jason!

on August 23, 2010 at 12:27 PM

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[hide] Scott Lim said...

Haha... Good luck bro! Good post and all the best winning the prize.

on August 23, 2010 at 12:40 PM

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[hide] TechSmacker said...

To call you a mere fan would be an understatement. To say that you feel the need to see him in person would also be an understatement. I think, and this from someone who doesn't know you, that you're a superfan, desperately wanting to meet this person who's clearly your idol. I'm not sure how this entire thing is going to work but I hope you get it, if only to see the resultant blogpost that will happen after seeing him. Can't wait to read/view the CRAAAZAY you get yourself into when this happens. GOodluck!

on August 23, 2010 at 12:54 PM

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[hide] Adele Chow said...

Omg you're sucha HUGE FAN!!
Just like how I think I deserve to meet JAYCHOU!
You defo DESERVED to meet him in real person!!

Since young, so passionate!!!!!
Please meet him already show me more pic kay!!! :D :D

on August 23, 2010 at 4:34 PM

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[hide] vialentino said...

hi hi....seriously good post and hope u will win ur creative post ....good luck

on August 23, 2010 at 5:30 PM

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[hide] bie said...

Judging from the super long post u wrote about why you should be the one meeting Rooney, I think u really deserve it. Your passion for him as well as for football is shown. =)
Really hope u win the chance to meet, dine n etc with your idol!

on August 23, 2010 at 7:35 PM

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[hide] Povy Teng said...

well done jason, just go for it man!!! best of luck!!

on August 23, 2010 at 9:01 PM

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[hide] tcmaine said...

You deserve to meet Wayne Rooney in person because you're Jason Ong, my Ampang boy! Lol!

Because you're just as great as Wayne Rooney. Great ppl must be put together wtf. :D

on August 23, 2010 at 9:49 PM

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[hide] LightYoruichi said...

Lol! Nice one man, you look like a baby over there.

Now, good luck, you'll be winning this, don't worry much =)

Go kick some balls!

on August 23, 2010 at 10:34 PM

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[hide] jfook said...

Ok, since like there are so many people helping you to retweet, so I just hope in and read this entry.

I'm not really his fan (Ronaldo's fan here), but can see your passion and determination towards winning the trip.

So just fingers cross lah yeah!

You got my support.

on August 23, 2010 at 11:06 PM

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[hide] CY said...

this post sounds like its written by a true fan of Wayne Rooney and Manchester United.

Kudos to you mate, you have the full support of the Tiger FC Beat Battle 2008 Champion - DJ Evo. All the best and may you win it!

on August 23, 2010 at 11:51 PM

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[hide] yi-vonne said...

3 words - YOU DESERVE IT.


on August 23, 2010 at 11:53 PM

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[hide] candy =) said...

way to go jason!!! u shud be the one meeting him cuz he's your idol! it's your dreams and u totally deserve it =) u made quite a huge effort huh =) goodluck!!!

on August 24, 2010 at 12:09 AM

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[hide] LilMeJo said...

you deserve coz u did a nice post =)

on August 24, 2010 at 12:15 AM

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[hide] §oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

you more leng zai than him. he should be honoured. LOL

on August 24, 2010 at 12:17 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

meet him, you will. all the best bro..

on August 24, 2010 at 12:17 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...


on August 24, 2010 at 12:18 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

Rooting for you! Don't forget my souvenirs when u r in Manchester enjoying the game ya!

on August 24, 2010 at 12:21 AM

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[hide] thesarahloke said...

Your passion in meeting him bypass everyone! =D So you should be "THE ONE"!! =)

on August 24, 2010 at 12:24 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

I dun care you must win this! All rooting for u!

Go go go!

on August 24, 2010 at 12:25 AM

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[hide] James said...

If you dont win this, I tell you Im gonna fuck you up. Of all ur efforts, I think, i can see who's the TRUE WINNER now.

on August 24, 2010 at 12:30 AM

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[hide] marcusan said...

WOW-ness. i am lost for words, really. I have never seen such an obsessive post about someone wanting to do something with someone else so bad like this before. I literally had to scroll down umpteen times to get to the comment column. I dont know how he does it.

And with such a passion to create such a comprehensive blog post, it goes without saying how much this fella deserves what ever he is going after

even the very effort by twitter-ing, facebook-ing, and msn-ing everyone to get word out literally SCREAMS desperation and immense passion for the one cause he is bent on persue-ing.

you cant find this kinda passion these days. theyre so rare, that there's a WOW effect when you read it.

hats off to you bro, for such an impressive, and might i say inspiring blog post!

I hope you get it. What ever it is you are trying to get.

on August 24, 2010 at 2:10 AM

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[hide] Chris Thoo said...

I guess it's because you're even mentally wake up suddenly in the morning thinking of him... Ok that sounds wrong. Lol...well...prolly u're one of his biggest fan

on August 24, 2010 at 6:12 AM

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[hide] Jolene said...

Hey Jason, nice write up you got there for Wayne Rooney. So far I think based on what you wrote, you could beat everyone in within the 3 countries. Be our representative and make us proud.

on August 24, 2010 at 10:47 AM

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[hide] Unknown said...

Must win!!!!!! Like they say nothing is certain until the final clock tick is gone. MU don't go down easily like you and just like you, MU hate to lose! XD

So you can't lose!!!!!!

on August 24, 2010 at 11:54 PM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

on December 5, 2010 at 5:05 AM

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