Finally, I blog this long post about the camp. I was so lazy when I uploaded all the photos. Took me about 45 minutes for those photos. I don't mind actually because all of them wanted to read this post. Cause only I got all the photo's from the camera man, John Kit. lol. Others didn't get the chance to get it from him. Well, I'm smart, brought my pendrive along the camp. lol. I post this for ya'll. You all can grab all the photos from here la.
1stly, I wanna thank Soul for bringing me and the gang to his church camp as we didn't expect it could be so much fun and yet an unforgettable camp for me. The theme of this youth camp is MAD Make A Difference. Is organize by Uncle Allan and Aunty Veronica. The place was located at Jeram Besu, Pahang. It took about 3 hours for us to reach there. Pang was our driver on our journey there. He drives like one hell of a ride. I was terrified of his driving skills. lol. But also kinda fun though. Good job man.
Okay, the best thing about this trip is that I really made a lot of new friends! mayb the whole church camp, every single one of them. even all those kids. they are so active and willing to join all the activities. I've met some very happening and cool guys there and they are in my group! example, Calvin Ngai and Jee Yann. They both are the one who made me talk a lot! I was first kinda quiet on the 1st day. haha. okay, my group was named Silas. the 1st group among the 4 groups. The other 3 group was Barnabhas, Timothy and Pauloss.
I found out that this camp is really an amazing camp. You can see the excitement of all the faces and the population of the member of the church. Made me feel like joining again once more next year. The youth in this church has quite a big number. As you know that my church got only a few youth. less than 15 peoples. Where our youth camp was like just an normal outing. no fun, not challenging at all. But AGC youth camp is one of a different experience for me! I really enjoyed a lot in this camp and it is the best camp i've ever attended. Oh ya and the songs session was the most soulful moment I've ever experience. The songs were nice and everyone sing it with expressions and emotions. very encouraging. always refer to the bible on every single song. I love to sing all the songs and the music as well is wonderful. the guitarist Jeeyan, the pianist Alvin and others. thanks for the song lead as well.
About the highlights of the team building sessions, We got dirty and nasty on the mud! freaking mud all over our body. 1st time experience it also. and the rules is who got the last place is gonna get penalty for cleaning all the chairs. Group Pauloss got the last place. Our group Silas got second out of the 4 team. Barnabhas won but they kena isolated and bullied by all 3 groups. Because of their cheering have many kinds. So annoying and yet arrogant kinda feeling. Once you listen, you'll feel bengang for sure. lol. So the 2nd, 3rd place group helped out pauloss group wash the chairs and group Barnabhas is still cheering like no ones business. said they are the singaporeans. damn kiasu. so noisy. can see Ngai, Pang and Kevin are bullying them kao kao. haha. have a border and you all not allow to join us having fun with the water. I found out that's the most funniest moment of the camp. But what I think was winning the competition or not is not that important, what most important is we finish the competition. We all are winners. This what we experience in our life, there will always be ups and downs in life.
Actually I was expected some outdoor activities on the water and so on but then due to the concern of the rain and flood that made the water level rises and became uncertain, we are strictly not allow to do any outdoor activities from the 1st day onwards. I was kinda disappointed but who cares, I come here to make new friends, fellowship to one another, sing songs, study God's word and praise his name to make a difference for Jesus but not for the sake of having fun and filling my boring time at home. This camp really encourage me a lot. I was once a sinner while I am a Christian too. Even now. I still do bad things, I still lie. Once I've seen the video clip entitle a letter from god. it's has made me wanna share the gospel more to the non Christians and those who are fading away from Christianity, encourage them and let them inspire rather than to keep it all to myself without telling them about Christ. Now I wanna learn how to encourage more people to hear the word of god, share the gospel without feeling ashamed and make a difference in peoples lives. I wanna show a good testimony to others and get my relationship with God even closer.
When I was watching the video when jesus is been torture, wipped and beaten by the guards, in a sudden I really felt so down when I was watching it. Everyone was with tears in their eyes, even myself. Beside me was Michelle, I can feel her that she was so so sad about it as well. I felt so sad and I can feel the pain inside me. Jesus had sacrifies his life and die for us for our sins. Even though if we sins againts thee, do not worry, ask for forgiveness and god will wash away our sins. God has a plan for us and he has a purpose for us living in this world. devil spirit will always surround us no matter where we go. But only the the lord will lead us the right path of direction. Trust in the lord, he will guide you through, holding you closely to his side and he will lead you to heaven. Where we can find eternal life with him.
Okay I think I will stop here cause you guys will feel bored if I continue writing. haha. will get bored. lol. Okay guessed you all tired reading, now is photo viewing time! haha..
Day 1

My dorm!
Day 2
Team building activity...

This is ME!! da*n nice la this photo...

Day 3
Pahang Flooded but we still can enjoy!!

Credits to them! the camera man...

Who are the most happening group?!

Happening Silas peeps! Ngai and Jeeyan.

Ladies from group Silas!!

Buat muka only.

Proud to say we saw KFC at Bentong town.

Crazy MAD nigga Sam

My closest sister in the camp! love ya Mich.
This is a Short Clip for ya'll to enjoy!!
Uncle Allan doing some magic tricks
Day 4
On our way back home and we visited the Bentong peanut factory....

We are so into Smashpop!!
One Big Family.
All are MAD 4 Jesus.

AGC youth camp group photo !
I'm bless that I knew God. This song In Christ alone reminds me of How God Loves Us. God is really good. Sometimes God is just wanting to test our faith, just be strong because God really cares for us and no matter what he will always be beside you! Believe and have more faith cause he will never fail you.
At last I wanna tell Ooi Tong that I am glad that you believe in Christ. This camp really touches our hearts. Continue to learn more about the word of God and believe that Jesus is the son of God. Believe, confess, repent and be baptized. Join our family of God and let us make a difference, bringing hope to our land for Jesus, amen.
Let us spread the word of God...
Till then guys.. miss you guys so much......
Yours truely,
1 commented | have you ?:
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nyahahaha... one of the pic u muz b sooo happy huh??? so many gurlz surround u? hahaha
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