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December 7, 2007

PC fair @ KLCC

Yay ! its PC fair again and everybody gone mad about it. Knock almost 10 people I knew today. Cant mention it all but indeed it's a tiring day. I spend almost the whole day @ KLCC. meeting frens and went for the pc fair to have a look and maybe buy some stuff back.

Started with this morning my buddy suetmei, she smsed me and asked me to go but she ended up not replying me so I join my classmates then. Thought she was pissed off of something. dunno what is it. haha. So I just leave it la.. Reached and after a long 5 hours walking around the pc fair, we went off to Old Town @ waterfront and have lunch with ma frens. After that I went back home and took some money and my IC along with me to apply my new credit card.

Here are some random photos taken!

shooting water from his P*... lol

haha. Once im back to KLCC. saw some frens again! and I met a new friend ! she was a girl in the pc fair. A booth named "philips". selling those earphones and web cam. damn at first I was asking abt the webcam thinggy and we chatted until we became frens! chew she is cool thou. so active. 1 bad thing is she thought im 20years old. do i look that old? damn. lol she said I got a nice chest and shoulder. den she asked how long I have been doing it until I got such shape on my chest and shoulder. She said she like it wor... scare me off only. blush! Think Im gonna see u again tmr cause i wanna buy webcam from ur booth! cause my webcam spoiled. hehehhehehe...

After that, Bao Yee smsed me and I met her at "Giordano" and its 10.30pm at night. haha. we bought some T's at a crowded condition where there is 45% discount for all items nation wide stores and it last only for 1 day. Everybody was desperate choosing for sizes but there ain't much sizes anymore! everyone gone mad to shop at Giordano at that moment. Sigh....

Me and Bao Yee had a quick shot before we leave

Damn! Then Bao Yee was carving for haagen-dazs and wanted me to go with her budden I baru PK spending exceedingly on the pc fair and T's. Sorry Bao. lol. maybe next time la with my credit card! lol. by that moment, it's 11 already and I chao back home with my bro.

Cant you believe? It's 11pm at night! and still so crowded...

Last shot before i leave ; KLCC

End of the day, I got myself a new 1gb pendrive, register my new credit card and 2 piece of giordano T's. lol. tmr gonna buy speaker and webcam! haha.

hope I can go to KLCC again tmr! teman Bao Yee..
and and and~~ I haven got to know her name.......

I am desperado?! Nahhh.. just making new friends...

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] prince of darkness said...

wei.. does pendrive have good prices?

on December 8, 2007 at 11:26 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

27bucks the cheapest. for 1 gb la. good brand , good price lorr..

on December 9, 2007 at 3:40 PM

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