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April 28, 2008

Break up's!

Well, the future will be different and not necessarily sad when ever you break up with someone. I've came across of people being in a relationship for almost 10 over times in their youth lives. And they always break up after a period of time. Some people say it's puppy love. Perhaps, now that you are alone after the break up, you can do things your own way and take advantage of new opportunities. Perhaps you can continue the studies you abandoned or contact back with friends you’ve lost touch with. Perhaps now you can meet the right person and live a much better life than the one you had previously.

Human relationships can be quite difficult to manage. Each one of us has his or her own personality, preferences, ideals, history and so on. Can say that each of us is entirely unique. Example, when a couple decides to get married, they don’t know how their life together will turn out. If they are too young and immature, or if their personalities are still forming and they are not aware of what it takes to make a marriage successful, the marriage may not last. If their parents influenced them to get married, or if they married the boyfriend or girlfriend they had in college, their life together can be a disaster. In many if not most of these cases, the marriage won’t work.

I seen before a couple who got married after knowing each other for 18 years. They are very happy together because they grew up together, did everything together, and are still together today. However, these relationships are the exception, not to rule.

But today, we are focusing on to people who broke up a relationship after few months or even few days, easily. But it’s not because relationships are more difficult now than in the past. The difference is that today people have the freedom to break that relationship, while in the past it wasn’t so easy. Cause in the past, women need men for a living. Most of the women depends on the husband to live. They are mostly house wifes who takes cares of their children at home. Now, women are totally different compare to the pass. Women are getting over the men where women have the rights now and able to takeover what men does in the pass by being the head of the house, head of the company, etc. So, they too have the rights to break up a relationship when ever it's not right.But even though break up is very common today, it feels like it's the end of the world when it happens. That’s because it really is the end of your world.

You had many plans and dreams. You spent a lot of time, energy, and money on dating and stuff. You made sacrifices. You tried so hard to please your girlfriend/boyfriend. But now everything is lost and you feel that your entire life has been wasted. And even worse, you still love him or her. You hate the idea of being alone. You wish you were still in that relationship and still together. Things are really difficult. Everything for you is dark and very sad. However, you also know that you are not the only one and that you are going to survive. The future will be different and not necessarily sad. Now that you are alone, you can do things your own way and take advantage of new opportunities. Perhaps you can continue the studies you abandoned or contact back with friends you’ve lost touch with. Perhaps now you can meet the right person and live a much better life than the one you had with your previous.Time will heal you and your wounds will disappear. You live in a very big world with a lot of people. Among them, there is surely someone ideal for you! lol. Now I am talking indirectly.

Breakup's is something VERY common nowadays. Same as to divorce. We can't defend much on this. But next time be more careful. Instead of holding things you dislike about a person because you’re in love, make sure you get what you need from your companion and make sure you know a lot of the person first before you thinking of getting into a relationship with him or her. We'll somehow be a little too exited when we are in our young age.

4commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

relationship are really complicated. Without it, will feel bored some time

on May 3, 2008 at 10:23 AM

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[hide] Rayson said...

Without it will feel bored? We still have frens and family , how can you feel bored easily?

thats true some time maybe that we are too exited to in relationship, but if u think yourself not really good and u get a good gal/man u hav to get a good chance together

on May 4, 2008 at 12:22 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Rayson, I dun get wht u mean. Can u explain in more details.

on May 4, 2008 at 9:15 PM

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on August 1, 2014 at 10:08 AM

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