It's 7th of April today and it's my late grandfather birthday, Mother side. After today means 9th of April, is also my another grandfather birthday, Father side. I placed in the middle of them.
Happy birthday ~~~
Anyway, I have no classes today. Kinda bored at home, out of idea what shall I do. At last I decide to change my blog layout. Since it looks dull. As you can see that this time it's a lil different from what I have on my previous layout. But first a lil intro from left to right. My bro Chris, Sis Eva, Jie Cat and myself. Some asked me why I putted that up. The reason why I putted them up cause they are the love of my life. They are my bro and sisters in Christ. People that I love even at times I really hate them. Especially my bro. LOL. Treasure them a lot. And I felt that it's a nice portrait photo though. Where all of us cover with blanket in a plain white room. Chun! I'm Lovin it.
lol, another few hours countdown till the moment of truth.....
1 commented | have you ?:
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happy birthday
selamat hari jadi
Can I smack you when I see you? =x=
So damn hard to find back the Indian word! (had to go back to January's comments to find it....)
Nice layout! XD Anyways I'm gonna give you a special birthday wish! 8D
happy birthday
selamat hari jadi
Can I smack you when I see you? =x=
So damn hard to find back the Indian word! (had to go back to January's comments to find it....)
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