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April 7, 2008

Moment of truth

It's 7th of April today and it's my late grandfather birthday, Mother side. After today means 9th of April, is also my another grandfather birthday, Father side. I placed in the middle of them.

Happy birthday ~~~

Anyway, I have no classes today. Kinda bored at home, out of idea what shall I do. At last I decide to change my blog layout. Since it looks dull. As you can see that this time it's a lil different from what I have on my previous layout. But first a lil intro from left to right. My bro Chris, Sis Eva, Jie Cat and myself. Some asked me why I putted that up. The reason why I putted them up cause they are the love of my life. They are my bro and sisters in Christ. People that I love even at times I really hate them. Especially my bro. LOL. Treasure them a lot. And I felt that it's a nice portrait photo though. Where all of us cover with blanket in a plain white room. Chun! I'm Lovin it.

lol, another few hours countdown till the moment of truth.....

1 commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

Nice layout! XD Anyways I'm gonna give you a special birthday wish! 8D

happy birthday
selamat hari jadi

Can I smack you when I see you? =x=
So damn hard to find back the Indian word! (had to go back to January's comments to find it....)

on April 8, 2008 at 1:13 AM

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