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July 22, 2008

I LOVE Daughtry

Wooooootttts! Exam is over and Im sick of Daughtry. I mean sick as in crazy of them ! These few days keep listening the song Home over and over again. Urgh. wtf. Plus other of his songs as well la. Anyway who is going for Daughtry traffic jam street party @ 1Utama this Saturday ?!! Hurm, as far as I know that Daughtry will perform all of their album songs for the whole night! It's party babeeh. Who's joining? Mojosh are u going?

Anyway thanks to my friend, Anna for winning those tickets from Without her, I will be watching Daughtry concert with a binoculars distance! ( Referring to the free zone for non tickets ). Now, no fuss on purchasing a new Sony phone and also no worries for not getting a nice spot for Daughtry's concert.

P/ S : I guess after that traffic jam party onwards, I will be loving traffic jams. Being stuck in the traffic jam will never be boring again.

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

SOB dont have tickets =[

on July 23, 2008 at 1:04 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

LOL. If only la... If I got tix for u, u want or not?!! I beg my friend to give u if possible. LOL.

on July 23, 2008 at 1:21 AM

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