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July 23, 2008

Syok Sendiri !

Yea, I was bored the whole day today. Nothing much for me to do other then just sit in front of the computer and waste my time there. Well since Joshua said the movie Dark Night was extremely nice that he would over rate the movie to 10/5 ! wtf ?! Said that I need to watch it ASAP ! Eventually I did went and watch that movie, ALONE ! I can't seem to find anyone who is free to teman cause all have classes. While my exam finals is already over. and I bought it for... err 5 bucks?! Cheap cause it's Wednesday!

Well, the movie was kinda okay for me la. Not that bad either. I would rate 7/10. Cause it has no happy ending. Dark night is being haunted in the end. But one thing I like about dark night is the posters ! You can find lots of them. All of them are super nice. Here are some of those.

Woahhh, Damn nice can ?! lol.
This movie is nice! haven't watch? Must go watch.
Don't blame me. Im just wasting my time for updates.

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] 依桦 said...

ya, i watched already. It's brilliant! I like joker!

on August 2, 2008 at 11:39 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

hahah... yeah but BATMAN is not the mian attraction of the movie. =(

on August 2, 2008 at 8:23 PM

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