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September 17, 2008

21st Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday, Azim !

The birthday Cake.

He turned 21 yesterday and finally reach to the adulthood age. Well, he is like a brother to me. lol. He's my classmate yet our group leader. He is good in cooking, a determine and enthusiastic student. Kind hearted and of cause a great friend to me. I Wanna thank him also cause he is the one who always provide me transport when ever I need 1.

Group photo with the birthday boys. Woooots that's a lot !!

Once again, Happy birthday Azim. Thanks for everything. Really enjoyed yesterday. From the Wii to the ride all the way from USJ to Ampang. Hope you like my present to you ! The milk shake and green tea ! lol. *laughs*

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] kellie♥ said...

the birthday cake looks ATAD bit
scary~ haha


on September 18, 2008 at 10:55 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

scary? scary mehhhh? where got scary? lolol. define ur scare.

on September 18, 2008 at 12:50 PM

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