On thursday, we had food production in college. Made our own dishes and sold it at the cafeteria. We were quite free on that day cause we did finish our part quite early. So i brought out my gear and snap a few photos.
Everyone lepak-ing @ the smoking zone. The only college that provides smoking zone area and encourage students to smoke. How Great is that. Photos courtesy by another Jason Ong.
Chef in blacks all in a row. We dominated the smoking zone area. Since everyone tengah puasa so we can't see anyone smoking unless the chinese lar. lol.
Hectic condition in the kitchen. Spotted someone eating while tengah berpuasa. lol.
Medium rare rosted beef in brown mushroom sauce serve with mashed potatoes, french beans lyonnaise and yorkshire pudding. Only cost 7 Bucks ! Anyone? lol.
Culinary arts Rocks !
P/S : Since mooncake festival is around the corner, KDU college will be selling their own made mooncake as well. Made by the seniors. Will update about that soon! Stay tune.
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