I'm craving for something sweet ! something feminine. Like a bowl of strawberry desert.
ohhlalala ~ looks veli seddaaapp.
Craps no 2
I've watch this movie Quantum Of Solace on last Saturday. And should I change the title name to Quantum Of Sohai?!
Im gonna rate it 4/10. Although the action scenes are getting more real kononnya. but the story line, I just don't get it. What oil? What water? lol. That's the thing I know. Only gadgets used was a Sony Ericsson Cybershot phone. Used to snap people's face using face detection. Besides, Bond girl is not even chun nor HOT. Sigh. Basically this is the worst James Bond I've ever watched in my LIFE. nuff said. Quantum of Sohai. lol.
Craps no 3
Anyway, Me Wants All These Alpha stuff !
A new Alpha 50mm lens.
A new external flash.
A new battery grip.
A new camera bag.
A lomography camera from Kelly's. Woo fish eye !
At least a new a700 !
Cause a200 is never enough. I'm posting this up just to give people hint for my 19th Bday next year. LOL. I need a complete accessories for my DSLR. At least from far it looks more like a pro. rather than a naked DSLR.
Craps no 4
This is my another cousin, Karyn. aka Karina. I've missed her out on my previous post last time. HERE. She stayed over my place last Saturday. We'd lotsa fun and I'll will blog about it soon. Well here is a GIF photo of her. Just for fun. And guess how old is she ?
Craps no 5
Anyway, GOOD LUCK and All The Best to those who are sitting SPM exams from tomorrow onwards !
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