Alright, yesterday was Halloween Day ! Ya'll had fun ? Well I did ! Me went to go for KDU College Halloween Party instead of HELP's cause errr I don't know how to go to HELP college actually. I mean the direction. So I drag along Sebastian and Kelvin's cousin Yen Li with me. There's many people were in their BEST ! mostly around 70% of them came with costumes. What ever character you can find it right there. A very interesting night. and guess what I wore?
FULL SUPERMAN SUIT ! believe it or not ?
Anyway haunted house was darn scary from what I heard my friend said. Well, I didn't manage to get in cause super long Q. Food was just OKAY. Costumes was the BEST part of the night ! Performance all was really Superb. Overall I rate 8/10 !
Here is a sneak peak of yesterday's Halloween event. Don't expect too much. I barely even view all my photos yet. But I found out there is more then 200 photos I took ! So maybe I will choose around the best 40 photos to be posted here.
Wooo wad's dat ??! Can't really see eh?
STAY TUNE for more photos k =)