It's Jojo Struys !
I remember, when I was young around 9 years old. I can recall, it was the comedy sitcom called "KOPITIAM" that was when I first saw her on TV. Alongside with Douglas Lim and so on. They were still young at that moment, so am I. And since then, I watch that sitcom every week never miss and I started to love it. Also started dreaming of wanting to meet her personally in person. but that dream was barely possible.
And now, it's like a dream come true. Im dating Jojo Struys ! *laughs*
A friend of mine said, it's something like the next episode of alpha project. Kononya.
and she actually loves to pose a lot while taking photo. just joining the fun.
Camho together. Oh well, I like her because she had a classic shiny black hair !
Anyway what's next ?
She was actually quite a good person to talk to. Topics especially in fashion, modeling, hosting, acting or perhaps LOVE. She's definitely the right person to talk to. I myself got quite a few tips from her as well about fashion.
Well, to be honest, I wasn't actually dating her. Opps. It was from MySimplifieds Community Meet-Up event @ San Fransisco Steak House. Chills. She was invited by them to give a talk and share with us her tips on fashion & beauty. Cause I told her I was there just to see her. She laughs and so, that's where I started to crap about me dating Jojo. *laughs*
Well, to be honest, I wasn't actually dating her. Opps. It was from MySimplifieds Community Meet-Up event @ San Fransisco Steak House. Chills. She was invited by them to give a talk and share with us her tips on fashion & beauty. Cause I told her I was there just to see her. She laughs and so, that's where I started to crap about me dating Jojo. *laughs*
Anyway what's next ?
MySimplifieds Community Meet-Up @ San Fransisco Steak House.
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New Season Project ALpha on MynJayz!
Malaysian Top Blogger!
JOshualaw, i know right! damn nice. but read the whole post, im not exactly dating her la.
Evo, okay surely will invite u !
anyway ar.. i still think you look more mature than what u supposed to be lor~ i see in the photo, u look even more mature than her! =D (which is a good thing for guys)
aiya tipu wann is it =P not the real dating. but u can always try date her out mah xD
Amy, YES. She's got nice shiny and smooth black hair ! LOVE it.
Bravo, what phrase..., a magnificent idea
New Season Project ALpha on MynJayz!
Malaysian Top Blogger!
Wootza!!! with Jojo...Nice one! =D
Xiang, dont say that. KONONYA buat muka only. Kennysia is Top okay.
JOshualaw, i know right! damn nice. but read the whole post, im not exactly dating her la.
when sending red bomb bro? i'll be there ok? xD
Evo, What u mean by red bomb ?? hahaha
It means it is ur wedding when you are the one throwing red bomb =)
TianChad, OHH i see. lols.
Evo, okay surely will invite u !
whoa happening u! jason!
anyway ar.. i still think you look more mature than what u supposed to be lor~ i see in the photo, u look even more mature than her! =D (which is a good thing for guys)
aiya tipu wann is it =P not the real dating. but u can always try date her out mah xD
wow i like her hair! =)
Ashley, Wow i look more mature den Jojo ? puji banyak eh u ? oh well thanks? haha. I do still look like a kid somehow in certain angles. And how i wish I could date her k.
Amy, YES. She's got nice shiny and smooth black hair ! LOVE it.
Dear Author !
Bravo, what phrase..., a magnificent idea
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