We watched Zombieland @ ECurve! Thanks to Advertlets.com. and the movie was awesome. It's a combination of funny and horror movie. I can watch this movie for another 5 more times because its very interesting yet lame. Never fail to entertain me. Thankfully there's nothing remotely serious about Zombieland. It's just a heck of carnival attraction (Shoot the ducks/Shoot the zombies) on a roller coaster filled with laughs. LOL.
Bryanlyt : Oh on a short note, Emma Stone seems quite hot in the movie heh! *Laughs*
Anyway I rate this movie 8.5/10. a must to watch.
For now, the photos taken on that night with the bloggers.
The Advertlets bloggers. Smashpop, Bryanlyt, Mynjayz, Missycheerio and Joshlim.
My guest Yong Xiang and Jacquelyn. They're happy !
My guest Khaisim who watch this movie 4 times already and Caren Ong who is leaving to US soon.
Buddy Leonard and Alicia was there !
Missycheerio and The opposite of chocolate.
Vivalavivian, myself and the young enthusiastic Jon.
With da so long never see Evo Eu Veng and SimonSo very nice specs.
with AdeleChow.com the camho Queen.
Thai express before the dinner. One big group shot.
This is my first time taking photos in an event with my new Nikki D300s. So, really not very famillar with the settings and all. But, will improve in the future. =)
More photos in the future. Next up, PC fair hot chicks, Anyone ?
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/mynjayz
More photos in the future. Next up, PC fair hot chicks, Anyone ?
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/mynjayz
8commented | have you ?:
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wooot. zombielandddd~~ I watched again after the premiere wahahha. total 6 times d lolol. like l4d2 la so nice, aiyo, boomer sial the fat ass in the supermarket.
Anyway no problem for the tickets. More for u in da future if u help me on this to blog abt the movie.
PS : ya wei boomer damn fat wei
botakai, sorry not to have a photo with you. totally forgot abt it. I have one with u in Friendster launch event !
I enjoyed the movie! thanksss :)
Jac, haha yes i spell ur name correctly. Anyway, no problem. I myself enjoyed the movie a lot as well !
wooot. zombielandddd~~ I watched again after the premiere wahahha. total 6 times d lolol. like l4d2 la so nice, aiyo, boomer sial the fat ass in the supermarket.
LOL. Kahisim u dman funny la. LOL. Anyway erm u watch damn lot of times can ! Crazy la u.
Anyway no problem for the tickets. More for u in da future if u help me on this to blog abt the movie.
PS : ya wei boomer damn fat wei
josan, my name bukan kahisim please -_- shoot u.
don have me 1 ish.. :P heheh jkjk :P
Kahiasm, Sorry lo spelling error ! ahaha i kill you.
botakai, sorry not to have a photo with you. totally forgot abt it. I have one with u in Friendster launch event !
you "bloggers" are seriously in love with your own faces. thanks for the entertainment. besides not being able to write, your camwhore antics amuse me to no end.
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