I realize, there's MANY b'day celebrations this month. Been attending for 5-6 b'day parties already including mine. Anyway, it's Adeline surprise B'day last Sunday @ The Apartment, KLCC. Brother, Leonard's girl. Needless to say that Adeline is a very sweet girl and she's in a run to be Malaysian's the first ever female magician! in the making. Hope that she's gonna learn and able to go far! Happy B'day once again Addy.
Thanks to Leonard for the invitation yo. Here are some pictures !
Was so Surprised of everyone being there including her family.
Sing song blow cake.
Group photo #1
Open present time. That's Christine and Alexis.
Oh she got herself a BLACKBERRY BOLD2. OMG im so jealous now.
Addy with the man behind all these. Leonard Chua. So sweeet !
bryanlyt's chicken and mushroom pasta.
A photo with da b'day girl.
Massive group photo #2 with Bryanlyt's fisheye lens. his trademark.
Here's a Video of Zlwin doing a magic trick with a coke bottle. Enjoy.
Amazing right? I have no effing idea how he did that. Illusions perhaps. I dont know. After watching all his magic tricks, I feel like learning magic lessons. But no $ to learn and lack of time. maybe next time larh when im rich. heh.
Ironman2 and Ipman2 this coming Friday. Exited ! Okay that's all for now. Goodbye.
Since the first day of audition until now, I did a lot of running's around here and there attending auditions, semi finals, press conference and all, really had much fun especially with the MUMO team and of cause our very own Advertlets team the official online partner for Miss Uni Malaysia 2010. Thus, after a few weeks of waiting, finally the 18 Finalists for Miss Universe Malaysia 2010 have finally been revealed!
With the help of my Nikki D300s. It helps me a lot in capturing all the moments in high resolutions photos. and to be posted up here for some coverage as a blogger. lol.
PS : Do take note that Pictures would LOAD a lil slow due to high resolution and the numbers of photos in this post.
Here you go. Introducing the 18 finalist for Miss Universe Malaysia 2010.
At the mean time, here are some compilation bikini shoot photos, evening gown shoot & behind the scene shots taken by the official photographer for Miss Universe Malaysia 2010, Andy Kho.
All 18 contestants. Pretty amazing huh. make your pick now !
Pictures from Miss Universe Malaysia Press Conference 2010 happening at @ Royale Chulan Hotel.
Which of the girls do you think have what it takes to be MISS MALAYSIA 2010? Which one is your favorite? Who do you support? do share with me.
Email me: mynjayz@gmail[dot]com if you're interested of any of the RAW photos above.
A bunch of close friends celebrated a surprise b'day for @yinxiechew yesterday @ D’Italiane Kitchen Sunway Giza Shopping Mall. Lemme have a rough guess, I think she turned 22 this year. How im gonna describe her. She's very sweet, very caring, i felt happiness, so comfy when she around. She cheers everyone!
Special thanks to the boyf Ewin for inviting me and organizing this. Such a sweet couple they are. both shooo CUTE shoo Funny! Very rare to find such couple around :)
Yes itz the trademark #yinxieday. Photos time.
Happy bday Yinxiechew.
A photo with her. haha i like her laaa. seriously.
Hello new friends of Ewin and Yinxie. Jing Shern, Edmun and Evie. The trio girls. kim yinxie and adele.
This photo damn nice right ! hahaha. Blup blup.
Final group photo from smashpop.net. His TM camho! awesomeness.
Once again HAPPY B'DAY YINXIE ! hope you had a great and memorable one. xx
On behalf of advertlets.com we present you 2 movie screenings this 11 MAY 2010. Nightmare of Elm Street & Bounty Hunter. I CAN'T announce this to everyone single one of u by tweets about this cause I want every single one of you to know the details properly. Do take note that i will be taking over rebecca's task by handling all this.
Anyway, there's bad news and there's good news as well ! The good news is we gonna have 2 movie screenings. YAY! and the bad news is, both movies happening at the same time, BUT different venue =(
Advertlets screening of A Nightmare on Elm Street, details below:
Date: 11 May 2010, (Tuesday) Time: 8 pm (come on time to register/ ticket of collection) Venue: GSC Mid Valley, Hall 3 (170 SEATS)
Movie Trailer.
and the next one is.....
Basically, we've got only 50 tickets for Bounty Hunter which is happening on the same date/ same time as Nightmare of Elm Street BUT different venue. So, we have to separate some of the bloggers (50 Bloggers) to watch Bounty Hunter as well. If you all don't mind not to join the bigger crowd @ Mid Valley for Nightmare of Elm street. Nobody will stop you if you really want to watch Bounty Hunter and join the smaller crowd @ E@Curve.
The Bounty Hunter movie for @Advertlets bloggers, details below:
Date: 11th May 2010 (Tuesday) Time: 9.30pm (movie), 8:30 PM (collection of ticket) Venue: Cathay Cineplex, E@Curve (50 SEATS)
Movie Trailer.
PS : Im looking forward for a proper blog write up after the movie. As you may include details about the how you think about the movie, movie review what and all it's up to you. Remember to post up some pictures as well about the movie and not to forget your camho/groupshots/dinner photos as well.
Do help to accomplish this for me so we'll have more free movie screenings in da future!
Any inquires Pls DM/Reply me @ twitter.com/mynjayz OR comment in this blog post.
Leave a comment if you're interested on either one of movie above ! TQ.
Im Jason Ong aka mynjayz. Twenty Yo '2010. Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Freelance : Photographer/ Blogger/ Event Coverage/ Blog layout Designer/ Food Reviews/ ETC .