The birthday boy is officially 20 yr's old today. Ain't a teen anymore. Still young i know but good to know that im growing older into a young adult. Drinking a can of beer sitting infront of the computer writing this as a draft for 12am later. Wasn't out for #italkwhoa event even not out for dinner. Im just tired after whole day being in college. Sigh guess it's gonna be another usual lonely birthday today.
I remember this was last year's celebration. A surprise poolside party. My close friends did this to me. Celaka. Whip cream all over my face and body, beer bath me and a few vodka down the road shots. They're crazy!
Anyhow, im really looking forward to a b'day celebration #mynjayzday this weekend with all the Adv bloggers, ampangians, tweeples & close friends! I hope this should be a lil decent compared to last years. So gonna be awesome! make sure every single one of you dont ffk.
Also, today im suppose to launch my new blog - Guess im gonna drag it longer. I've no time to settle my domain, changing a new layout and all. When it's gonna be out? We shall see how.
PS: Today is damn Ong. I hope Manchester United will win against Bayern Munich later!
Woots im 20 already. bring it on !
4commented | have you ?:
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and we should all celebrate being 21 at the end of next year!
you, me, joshua yap, and whoever else that's turning 21 next year :D
im so awesome.
hahaha ya man. thanks to you all larh.
let's have a bigger celebration next year! :D
and we should all celebrate being 21 at the end of next year!
you, me, joshua yap, and whoever else that's turning 21 next year :D
hahaha big celebration of all our bday. you you plan larh dila. =)
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