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April 28, 2010

Itz #Adelineday

I realize, there's MANY b'day celebrations this month. Been attending for 5-6 b'day parties already including mine. Anyway, it's Adeline surprise B'day last Sunday @ The Apartment, KLCC. Brother, Leonard's girl. Needless to say that Adeline is a very sweet girl and she's in a run to be Malaysian's the first ever female magician! in the making. Hope that she's gonna learn and able to go far! Happy B'day once again Addy.

Thanks to Leonard for the invitation yo. Here are some pictures !

Was so Surprised of everyone being there including her family.

Sing song blow cake.

Group photo #1

Open present time. That's Christine and Alexis.

Oh she got herself a BLACKBERRY BOLD2. OMG im so jealous now.

Addy with the man behind all these. Leonard Chua. So sweeet !

bryanlyt's chicken and mushroom pasta.

A photo with da b'day girl.

Massive group photo #2 with Bryanlyt's fisheye lens. his trademark.

Here's a Video of Zlwin doing a magic trick with a coke bottle. Enjoy.

Amazing right? I have no effing idea how he did that. Illusions perhaps. I dont know. After watching all his magic tricks, I feel like learning magic lessons. But no $ to learn and lack of time. maybe next time larh when im rich. heh.

Ironman2 and Ipman2 this coming Friday. Exited ! Okay that's all for now. Goodbye.
