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June 22, 2010

Japan GT Queens - Super GT 2010 Malaysia

Konichiwaaaa People!

#Part2 is up. This is a post full of Japan GT Queens photos- Super GT 2010 Malaysia. Enjoy drooling and for the boys, don't shy shy if your nose bleeds. Let it flow man! I can feel you.

First up, The local GT girls. Friend Yvonne and Jane. Can compete with the Japanese right!

The ones in RED! The Malaysians. Look, they're taller samore compared to the Japan Chicks! Oh you girls made Malaysia proud :)

PS: Local GT Queens costume is design by Sara Ayumi from Carven Academy of Fashion. FYI It's the winning costume design of GT girls and the designer (2nd fr left) is her own model.

*credits to Haniehidayah for the shot above. She got pit pass. I don't.

Posing with the Sexy white GTR and the local girls.

Chicks @ Toyota booth.

Denso Girls. Suphie and Meiyan !

Ohhh engine oil Penzoil girl. Farahh Azizan 16 yr old. Respect!

A few more malay girls. Singha beer was the official beer for Super GT yao.

Familiar faces huh? Shook Yee with da Ferari.

Another familiar faces. Lyndie Ong with the Orange Lambo.

More local girls.

More local girls. Germaine, Nicole and friend.

Volkswagen Girls looking good and confident infront of the camera.

Monique As usual. You can see her everywhere.

Denso Chicks from Japan arrived for autographs session with the fans! VVIP wei. Ultraman behind as a mascot because the cartoon from Japan? lol.

ENEOS girl. Finally found out who is she. Melissa yee ;)

ENEOS girls. Very decent feminine look!

Japan GT queens on stage #1

Japan GT queens on stage #2

Japan GT queens on stage #3

Japan GT queens on stage #4 Oh look at the girl on the left. Looks like Maria Ozawa!

A closer look! im serious wei. A mixture of Japanese and American. Looks like her right? I wonder if she has a production on her ownself. Definately would love to watch it. LOL?

This hottie from Bomex rocked the house down. Look how little clothing she has on her! MAMASITA!

The bloggers Jon, Azrin and me had a photo with the Japan Gt Queens as well. Camho style.

HAHA I also want myself! Hamsap me ;)

Let's put aside of the girls already! girls are getting bored of it. For sure. Anyway, after taking all the girl photos, let's get the race started. Cars panning shots time.

I hope you all enjoyed viewing all the hot chicks photos :) Do come back again because I'm gonna post up Racing Car photos next! and a Video compilation I've made for the whole GT. Coming up very soon as my final #PART3 Super GT 2010 Malaysia. Stay tune for more.

Arigato Gozaimas!


5commented | have you ?:

[hide] Biopolymath said...

The first photo deserve mention: it's the winning constume design of GT girls and the designer (2nd fr left) is her own model. Woot!

on June 23, 2010 at 12:43 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

@Biopolymath yeah i knew about that. Thanks for reminding. Will insert it inside. :)

on June 23, 2010 at 1:20 AM

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[hide] JonYKT said...

Nosebleed ahhhhhhhhhhh! I lost too much blood already, but it's okay!

on June 23, 2010 at 2:33 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

@jonathan LOL yeah man no need to worry about it. let it bleed bro.

on June 23, 2010 at 5:09 PM

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[hide] Kok Keong said...

Fren, did u know the local GT girl Germaine or Nicole contact no or facebook? I got something need them help. Thanks for ur help 1st.

Kok Keong

on June 29, 2010 at 12:39 AM

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