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June 7, 2010

Sony Alpha NEX Launch

2 days ago. It was Sony Alpha NEX launch at Lot 10 roof top, Teeq Brasserie. We, the advertlets bloggers did witness the launch of the lightest interchangeable lens digital compact camera ever made in the world. It's a combination of a DSLR + Video Camcorder = NEX 3/5

We had been given a chance a play with the new NEX series camera on the spot. The pricing for that camera cost RM2699, retail price. comes with 8GB memory card misc. I haven't really explore/played with the camera yet, but hopefully SONY Malaysia will give me a NEX camera to write a review on it.

So let us skip the camera part. Meantime, lets see how's the event turned out that night. All photos taken using the sponsored Sony Alpha a550 & my Nikon D300s.

The launching event eventually was quite grand. Love the balloons decorations.

Just before we went up, we had ice cream and played around with the sponsored a550 by SONY. And the model for the a550 is partner in crime, Waiyan.

Testing testing a550 camho photos.

The models for Sony Alpha NEX launching event.

Interior was quite spacious and nicely done but one thing I MUST complain, the venue was too hot. Do they even have air conditioner inside? I did suit up and Im sweating all over!

We went there for this. Sony Alpha NEX series camera. You can see the size of it. It’s pretty compact. even compact with the pancake lens.

Here’s a closeup of the exploded view of the Sony Alpha NEX.

Not to mention with exactly the same as a550 sensor in the NEX body.

Very unique way to promote the NEX camera. With faced closed models in full white.

After the launching of the camera. It's time to have our dinner and get some time to play around with the camera, take some photos, mingle around with the bloggers and friends.

Advertlets table #1. Feeq, Pop, Me, Vivian, Waiyan, Heidi, Amanda, Wilson, Hanie, Josh & Botakai.

Advertlets table #2. Wilson, Dila, Rebecca and BF, Hanie, Amanda, XiangYee and Josh.

2 pair of evil twins. Hanie, Amanda and the Jason's.

The ladies who loves using DSLR's. Waiyan, Chammaine and Vivian.

Group shots. Advertlets bloggers with Connie Goh !

Waiyan and I :)

Joshlim and Amanda Choe was playing one of the games. Eventually, I myself did played the final game as well. But too bad no pictures of me in my camera. FYI, I played the model posing game.

Us with da backdrop. Josh, JaeShaun, Chammaine, Me, Waiyan and Miss Universe Advertlets bloggers, Chow Xiang Yee :)

Final massive group shot of us. I love em all.

And yes, free printing services were available on the spot! This is what I have back from the event. Thanks SONY Malaysia!

It was a fun event with the company of the friends and bloggers. It’s interesting to see how Sony NEX3/5 will go out there as the first ever compact camera with DSLR quality, not to mention with a Full HD 1080 video capabilities. This camera is one good camera! But i would love it if there is a purple coloured NEX-3.

PS: Cross fingers that i will get the NEX camera for review!


8commented | have you ?:

[hide] TianChad田七摄影 said...

Cross finger for you =)
Kesian the model need to cover their face, can see their nose so vivid ar

on June 7, 2010 at 1:36 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

haha yeah man how they gonna see where are they going wei.

on June 7, 2010 at 1:56 AM

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[hide] FeeQ said...

u say dont post ur picture ma XD

on June 7, 2010 at 1:38 AM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

YES the particular close up one only. REST can post up.

@Justin yeah man. lol was that GREY colour shirt? its glowing, i cant really see properly.

on June 7, 2010 at 1:56 AM

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[hide] Justin Hee said...

my shirt glowing weh! LOL

on June 7, 2010 at 1:47 AM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Wah, your pictures so nice :D Most of it came from the 550 right? I LURVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the A550!

on June 7, 2010 at 12:04 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

@azrina erm yeah. part of it. Mostly from my D300s. Cause I dont have a EXT flash for the a550. Wouldn't turn out so nice if its indoor. Hmm.

on June 7, 2010 at 12:18 PM

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[hide] HitoMi Ng said...

jason goh failed lah in the pouting haha!!

nicee kan..tapi expensive siut!! can die die buy one lens dah

Hehe, your partner in crime very pretty wo ^^

d model posing game is Hilarious as I can see :p

on June 7, 2010 at 7:57 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

haha i do better poulting lips than Jason Goh. :P

yeah man damn exp i rather get a review set and play rather than buying one. hmm yeah she's pretty!

and from which blog you can see me playing the model game? so far i din see anyone posted yet!

on June 7, 2010 at 9:02 PM

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