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June 5, 2008

Petrol issues

Malaysia's petrol price will rise 40 percent to 2.70 ringgit a litre from Thursday as controls are removed under a revamped subsidy system, the prime minister said. WTF. It is Effective from tomorrow onwards, 5 June 2008, the price of petrol will be raised by 78 sen and the price of diesel will be raised by 1.00 ringgit,"

Today as I came back from college, at that moment Suetmei text me saying that I should go pump full tank before 12am today. So I was telling her that I am going out NOW. Then she called, asked me not to go now cause the petrol station everywhere is PACK and JAM like hell. All queuing to pump before the price rise. So, I said nevermind la. I got time. So this is what happen outside there.

All queuing up for petrol. I waited for 25 minutes for it. worth it tho!

Full tank! Weee....... Chill, small car only.

And guess what funny thing happened? I pumped until petrol spill out of the hole. cannto blame, Imma super greedy fella. LOL.

Considering that Malaysia won’t be having much petroleum resources left, probably finished in a decade or two without new findings. Our government need to be proactive in finding new energy resources like solar power, oil, etc. I wish petrol can be replaced by water. Man, we really need a better public transport system to start with, it’s a pain to travel in Malaysia without a car. Aiseh.

P/S : Damn ! I think from now onwards can stop dreaming about owning a car already. Oh man, Toyota Camry !!!

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on June 5, 2008 at 1:50 PM

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