As this what I LOVE to do since small is to cook. A simple hobby started when I was small, growing up in the kitchen with my mum. Grown up often cooking in the kitchen till now, decided to continue this passion of mine in cooking to a step further ahead. Though this is not familiar to most of you all. But hey, this is ME. Enough said. Most of you haven't know this yet I guess. And yes, there you go.
Yesterday, is my first time in chef uniform. Not used much to it but sooner or later, I will. Feeling exited? Of cause need to take some shots with "groupmates".
My Groupmates! Part of the Guys. Azim, Arif, Jason, Imran and Ian. Me, camera man.
My twin brother who is also called Jason Ong! For all the name. LOL. look alike? So coincidence.
Looks nice? Look! there's KDU logo on it.
Wonderfully done pineapple tarts on the go. Does it look weird to u? Still not pro yet tho.
Well, you will be amaze of this. A dough made swan stuffed with whipped pastry cream.
All the swans are done. Nice? Well, Pastry class to me is the toughest!
That's all for now. Like it or not it's up to you! But, Im LOVIN it.
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