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June 25, 2008

St.John's International Understanding Day

St.John's International Understanding Day Flayer. All are invited!

Correction : It's this saturday. 28th of June 08.

Well, I was just helping I.U director, Eu Sam and President, Julius to promote it here. He said I will get a free entrance fee by doing this. So, posted it lor. According to Julius there will be Korean and Japanese chicks coming and we can get to know them in person. Unsure weather itz the truth or not. Anyway they also did hire a Japanese chef for refreshments ! But I finally found out where that Japanese chef will be a Malaysian. Chinese chef who looks like a japanese. haha. Truths reveals.

Well, I think most probably I will be going. Although I have classes on that day but still I choose to go for St.John's I.U. But, No one is accompanying me ! I need someone. Anyone interested ?

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] *Lisha* said...

owh and my mei mei had become that "someone" laa...? lol

on June 29, 2008 at 11:14 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Lisha, what you mean become that someone????

on July 1, 2008 at 7:46 AM

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