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August 7, 2008

Olympic Beijing 2008

Woots, Tomorrow is the official day of Olympic 2008 @ Beijing. Erm one of my friend is going there to compete for the GOLD medal ! She is presenting Malaysia competing in Taekwondo. Her name is Chew Chan. Appeared in Astro TV channel guide book this month. Woots! Go check it out. lol.


Okay, Lets check it out the Beijing Olympic National Stadium.

Bird's eye view

Now here is the Olympic Swim stadium.

The exterior

The Interior

Anyway did you know how did the logo came out?


Well, Its all about the bright red imprinted like an old Chinese character with
color rings.

Got this entire set of pictures from an Email.

Politically Creative but not correct.
Source: Unknown

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Ta-daa~~ Beijing 2008 logo. Not bad rite. lolol wtf.

Hurm, I think Malaysia can get at least 10 Gold medals ! Yeah, sekurang-kurangnya.

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on June 3, 2013 at 4:23 AM

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