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August 10, 2008

The Sloppiest Burger in Malaysia

Sloppiest Burger in Malaysia? You may wonder why they call it sloppy. According to the dictionary Sloppy means marked by a lack of neatness or order, lack of care and precision, untidy, spotted or splashed with liquid. Yeah, now you may wonder if those terms applied in the burger. How could it turn out?

Well, recently this short film made by FriedChillies Media won the Best Super Short Film at the NYC Food Film Festival. Titled "The Sloppiest Burger in Malaysia", it was just a 2 minute video clip, showing a Burger stall in Ampang Jaya.

The exact location of that Om burger stall would be at Ampang Jaya beside SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and ISKL (International School Kuala Lumpur). Just opposite a 7-eleven store. It is claim that people all the way from Singapore, Johor, Seremban,
Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya are willing to come all the way here just for the sake of trying the Om burger known as the sloppiest burger in Malaysia.

I called it the Sloppy Joe. lol. Look, when I went there to grab one of those, some media people with VCR already there for video shooting session. wtf.

Check it out the menu and the pricing. Damn expensive can? But they are superbly generous for the amount of planta, mayonnaise, chili sauce and the vegetables they put into the burger.

Well, I got myself a Daging special with cheese. Look at that ! Even though by looking at it, it does look like heaven. lol.
It does look sloppy, doesn't it? For those Ramli burger lovers, go have a try and taste it yourself.

Here are some videos I got from youtube about "The Sloppiest Burger in Malaysia". Enjoy ~

Damn syok can?

1 commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

This one? I call it the 'Cum Burger'.

Best burger's gotta be 'Aqua Burger' in Taman Kosas. Why 'Aqua'? Transsexual 'lady'boss makes it special for you.

on August 17, 2008 at 3:55 AM

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