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August 26, 2008

Misoka's 18th !

It's Misoka's 18th Birthday. Celebrated at Delicious. Firstly, Xiow Wei and I was late for the celebration ! We can't find exactly where Delicious restaurant is located. So they waited and waited and waited.

All of a sudden, Misoka gone hungry. lol.

Waited for almost 30 minutes. At last, We arrived.

Attendees of the day. Sorry I didn't have Xiowei's photo ! lol.

He was forced to wear the afro clown wig for the whole night until the clock strikes 12am. lol

Speechless for this photo.

After dining, we went for our second half at the Eye On Malaysia. Located at Titiwangsa lake. So we camwhored in the lift on our way to the car park ! lol. Parking ticket cost 10 bucks for just an hour +

(Photo credits to suetmei !)

FYI, they are the usual kaki lepak. lol

I love this photo! and ya, suetmei is missing.

lol. =P

Next destination, Eye On Malaysia. More photos! Just let the photos do the talking. lol.

Taken with the worse compact camera ever, Olympus FE-280. LOL.

Too heavy, I can't jump anymore....

=_______= Speechless....

I'll leave it to your imagination. Quoted by Misoka.

Once I said it's my 1st and the last riding the eye, but in the end also been forced to sit another time. Which is my second time. Everyone was so scared of the height. Omg, and I have no feelings up there. =___=

After the ride. We had a group photo with the eye. Smiles..... The eye is gonna move to Malacca next year !

Lastly, The photo of the day....


Woots, Finally come to an end. Hope Misoka is happy with his NEW ipod.
Where everyone jealous about it. lol. Once again Happy 18th Birthday, Miso. Sorry, it's BELATED already.

More photos coming up @ Misoka's and Suetmei's blog. Stay Tune ~

The End.

2commented | have you ?:

[hide] Anonymous said...

woah jason!
nice one lah weih!!
haha, i comment rite?
u dont tell me i didnt
comment aaa. hahaha.

ps; ur frend vivian is hot
weih ;)

on August 26, 2008 at 10:58 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Oh god i knwo ur Arif. LOL. ya la you got comment la. lol

on August 27, 2008 at 12:12 AM

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