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August 14, 2008

Typical Ah Lians !

Typical Ah Lians ? People call it the lalas. Where you can find them? Well I think ONLY in Malaysia. And you may wonder what is the definition of Ah Lians. Basically, Ah Lians are ppl who have no fashion sense and still go into the streets thinking that they look perfectly beautiful and charming dressing up in an over-accessorized, over-colourful, 'kawaii' manner.

Now let us proceed on to identifying them. The physical characteristics of an Ah Lian varies greatly. In layman's terms, got some pretty and some not-so lah! Ah Lians typically have long rebounded straight hair. Some hair is like kena BOOM. In their poses in pictures, It's true that they can't take pictures after you chop off their fingers.
They seriously think that they look cute when they strike a pose with the 'peace' sign or when they press their index finger against their cheek? Surely their lips must look somehow like a pig. Also, their pictures are ALWAYS taken at a 45 degree angle. GAWD ! and they wear leg warmers in MALAYSIA ! Their favourite haunts include Sungei Wang Plaza, and now Times Square. They tend to frequent boutiques that sell cute outfits. And their English is like WTF. They speak a loose mix of mandarin, hokkien, cantonese and broken english.

Not only that! Ah Lians are also prominent on social networking websites, namely Friendster. Not yet happened in Facebook and I hope they wont spoil it like they did in Friendster. You can identify them by their screen names, which tend to be super-cute. Some people consider these plain annoying or stupid. But I myself consider them unique in a Malaysian way :)

Eg. MILKster PINKy baobei Pinkalicious missiprincess kawaii dolli CoCo LaLa xiaokeaiix. Note that they tend to name their pets similarly. DAMN.

In their Friendster profiles, (above) they include strange details about themselves, namely their height, weight and pet names. They also tend to add friends indiscriminately, necessitating the creation of several accounts. The more friends they have, the more secure they feel. They have a distinct vocabulary, with liberal use of "wOr" "nEhz" 'kEkEx' "mAhz" and usually TyPE LiKe tHis as they regard this as cute. Ah Lians are notable camwhores, and together with socialites account for more than half of all camwhores in Friendster. They try their best to make their profile photos as cute as possible. Some edit their photos with Microsoft Paint and the more demure ones tend to use Jay Chou, Lee Hom or some other celebrity as their profile picture. Lastly,

READ THIS : " HarlOox.. Pls StoP add ThiS acc.. I verY Hate la.. Pls add my 7th acc.. acc FULL ad. bla bla Thx! Wa.. So kawaii nehx.. MinD tO b3 my kai dai orhxx? or b3 frenzz? MiNd IntRo?
gOt MsN? All leng zai leng lui Dun FOrgEt Add me Orhx!! StAy Coolx orhhx. MuZzZ b3 hapPieNeZzZ 43vr oOrwh.. aNd ThXz FoR B3inG My FR3nx. TaK3 CarE OrhXxX!! "

lol WTF wei !!!!!
Seriously, I cannot tahan already.

P/ S : Some of you may disagree with me but certainly I dislike those lalas ! Not to say I hate em. CHill.

10commented | have you ?:

[hide] albert said...

HAHAHA can't pose if you chop off their fingers! Where the heck is [[BB]] world?

on August 15, 2008 at 12:13 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

hahaha ture wad. They surly can't post with their fingers showing peace signs of some other sign. [[BB]] world? bubu world i think. LOL. So lame lar those ah lians.

on August 15, 2008 at 12:20 PM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

oh finally someone thats daring enough to write about lala's.thank you my friend...i dont hate them...i dislike their attitudes and pose/so call fashion style.seriously,wats up with those freaky pins in their hair...and what the hell does 'OrhXxX!!' mean?!!!i dotn understand the way they talk even more the way they write.jason,u are a brave man my man.i hardly go on friendster now thanks to ah lians

on August 15, 2008 at 10:34 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

hahah yeah friendster macam susah kena spoil by them. havin 6-7th accounts and 1000 friends each. they feel even secure. LOL. Why i wrote this is because I bump to all these ppl 2 days ago at Sungei wang. Cannot tahan went back home and do this post! I bet the readers love to read this. LOL. Those pinky pins or wht-so-ever is their lala style la. U ask ur chinese friends la they sure know. lol

on August 16, 2008 at 12:13 AM

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[hide] Elaine said...

jason, you're great! you just speak out for me. lol. i dont hate them either. but, but, but, what's wrong with their dress sense?! and those extra large and "PiNkY" colour hair pins? and those really long socks with laces and pokka dots and stripes? and the colours of the hair? the make up? ugh. miss world wannabe?
love this post. at least it's the most interesting one. =p

ps. i thought lalas and ah lians are different? lol. never mind.

on August 24, 2008 at 2:33 PM

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[hide] Karmun Chiang said...

Hey, damn cunted la your post. Ahahaha, great analysis and opinion. Can't stop laughing. Aweosme, awesome post. Even Joshua (Lah) advertised it. =) Innovative.

on August 25, 2008 at 3:15 PM

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[hide] Karmun Chiang said...

Owh and btw, friendster is almost 100% invaded by them.

Sad. ><

on August 25, 2008 at 3:17 PM

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[hide] mynjayz said...

Carmen : THANKS! YES I realize that Joshua link his lala thinggy to my post. LOL. and year lor friendster no fun already thats why transfer to facebook. hope facebook wont have that kinda thing happen again lar. hopefully.

Elaine : THANKS! lol. ah lians and lala is almost the same lar. check Google lar. well lala zai post is gonna be out soon! stay tune till im free 1st to write it.

on August 26, 2008 at 10:25 PM

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[hide] AngelKein♥ said...

ROFL. LIKE reading maths problem.

on December 14, 2009 at 2:21 AM

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[hide] kellie♥ said...

hahaha yeah man
i also behtahan them - _ -

friendster damn lala

on December 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM

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