Ya, the contest is over and congrats Bryan Lim for winning the first place. And second place Joshua Yap. Lucky they both. SmashpOp are gonna pimp their blog ! I need my blog got pimped also ! Regretted I didn't join this contest. But I did supported my friend in this contest.
Well, just as what he promised. lol. Actually not much lar I helped him. A few entries only just for the sake of winning the mp3 player? haha.
Oh ya and he need to transport the prize to Bryan and then to Me. So I tag along with Bryan to meet SmashpOp to collect it. Didn't thought when the moment I met him, only realize that we have the same name. Always thought Jason Goh as SmashpOp or HempOp.
Woots. the Jason's ? haha. Anyway he is friendly. Sekejap jer kawan baik. lol.
Bryan Lim the winner and Jason. Yeah same kindergarden & primary school mate.
P/S : Bryan, proud to be featured in smashpOp.net ? Strictly no lolol wtf !
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