Warning!!! =X
Okay, Seriously you may wonder what's with the title of this post. About ghost in genting? Don't ya'll freak out or what ever when you read this. For precaution, if those who don't want to read this post, then I advise you better don't read okay. Might affect you later after you read it. haha. Some of you may think I am out of my mind by saying that later. But just want to share something for ya'll who dare to read or those who is not scare of ghost.
Ghost?! haha. why ghost? And why is it in genting? Anyway that's just the title. And yea, I just come back from genting yesterday and it was one of the most fun trips ever since I went up there. Why? haha. No need to know la as long as I have fun. Will post photo after I collect all from my friends. XD
Firstly, before the night I was going to genting, I thought of something about genting. GHOST... People always tell me ghost stories that happen in genting. Many horror things happen there and I wonder is all of that true anot cause it's just a rumors from people told them and you have not even seen your own eye by itself. And there is this question always in my mind, is ghost for real? Does ghost really exist in this world? It might be real and it might be just a false statement from ppl's believe. Or maybe just illusions?
I don't know much about this, that's why I was curious to know. So I went to find some of the stories in the web where ppl posted in the forums that ghost really exist in genting. Because they really involve in that situation where they really saw the ghost before, so I read la.... for fun! There are many articles on the web. Keep searching and I found this.. It’s not all ghost but horror thing happened in genting.
First story
it started out as a group of high school friends decided to make Genting Highland as one of their holiday’s destination. Genting Highland’s hotel, was after all one of the most affordable-ly priced hotel with its location easily accessed (buses and cable car is one of the most widely used mode of transportation for students that do not own a car)To make the holidays affordable for everyone, this group of high school friends decided to cram into a single bedroom which has 2 single beds. There were about 5-6 people sharing the room and with the cost of a RM300 or less a night, it was a reasonable price. Happily, the 5 friends joked and hanged out at the room. When noon came, they even visited the indoor and outdoor theme parks and had a great time enjoying themselves. As night approached, they were really tired and decided to call the day off.
Discussing how 5 people could sleep comfortably in 2 single beds, they decided to pull off both the mattresses so 2 single beds could turn to 4 instead (the remaining person would have to bunk in with another friend). As 2 of the friends pulled the upper mattress, they were shocked to find a dead body of a woman beneath the mattress. Horrified, they called the security and hotel management to explain the situation.
The story goes that because the management did not want negative press and rumors spreading around the hotel, they paid each of the friends a considerable amount of money as fees to “console” their un-happy visit. The condition was also not to publish their experience to any newspaper agencies or re-tell their experiences to other friends and relatives (apparently if this is true, someone must have talked or this story would not end up in this blog!)
Now, some told me that after this incident, Genting Highland has an unspoken rule that one MUST NOT pull the upper mattress.
Second Story
Years and years back, my family and I went up to Genting highland for few days vacation - our Indonesian maid had told us many times that she has the tendency to encounter spiritual experience, and she had many times growing up! Genting highland is the one and only casino in Malaysia - a lot of peoples committed suicide because of compulsive gambling and huge huge debts they got themselves into. If you have a chance to go up there you will notice you can't open the windows in every hotel more than 5 inches.
We rented an apartment suite in this old hotel which is built with floor-to-ceiling windows. We were cold thus we shut all the windows and watched TV in the living room. My sister was sitting with her back against the window next to the curtain - and suddenly the curtain moved a little bit as though there was this breeze blew through it. My sister looked and commented: "all the windows are closed, how those breeze could get through them?"
After the few days vacation when we returned home - our maid told us what she saw on the other side, she saw an white floating object outside the window and it stuck its hand through the glass and flip those curtain. She didn't want to tell us there and then because it would have scared us.
I don't know how much do you believe in this but I know she would not tell a lie.
Third story
This story is told from my mum's friend daughter. A true story that really happened and was saw by her own eyes. It was that day where she and her friends went to Genting. They took the cable car up there cause want to save the cost. Once they are in the cable car, on the way up to genting. On that time she was looking and the cable cars moving.
After that, suddenly, she was the cable car in front of her that was going back down at the opposite side fell down. And it was for real by her own eyes. She was stunned and shocked after watching that incident. And after that, They were told that not to tell anyone of this thing to anyone cause when people know about this, they will never sit the cable car anymore. So what they dis is the genting company gave the victim's family an amount of money for covering up this story of the death of their family members in the falling cable car. Because of this, they all were afraid to sit the cable car already.
I was told that every month there is always at least a person will die at genting either due to suicide cause of lost lot money in gambling at casino or either accident happens at genting. Always such thing happen, just didn’t come up in the news paper. If not, no one will ever go to genting anymore.
Actually my main reason about this post is to find out weather ghost really does exist in this world. Not just in genting. I was wondering weather I would meet the ghost yesterday when I was in genting. Because I really don't believe ghost exist in this world. I heard many people tell ghost stories but when I asked them how does ghost look like and the said it's a women with long black hair and long white dress floating on the sky. Some of them didn’t get to explain the exact look of a ghost.
The question now is it ghost is just an illusion of a person believe or just how ppl think of ghost? Or it’s from the religion believes that ghost exist. For me, I really want to meet the ghost and look how its look likes. Somehow some of you may believe in ghost but I don't.
If a person doesn’t believe that ghost really exist, he may not be seeing ghost in that person’s life. But if you believe, and you'll think that ghost do really exist, den you'll have a high chance of seeing a ghost in this world not just in genting. Maybe the ghost temp to attack ppl who is week and scare of ghost. I don’t know weather my statement is true anot but that's what I think.
What you guys think?
Does ghost really exist in this world?