Considering the variety, deciding on a College is not easy. But it does help a lot to experience your potential College first hand, talk to the lecturers, inspect the class rooms, ask what you always wanted to know about the course of your choice and find out what it feels like to be on a College Campus. Therefore, mark the following event RED in your calendar !
10:00am to 11:00am - In Person: Kenny Sia
(Malaysia’s Popular Blogger of
11:00am to 12:00pm - “A Taste of Culinary Delights”
(A Culinary workshop)
12:00pm to 1:00pm - “Fun In Learning Critical Thinking”
(A Management workshop)
1:00pm to 2:00pm - “The art of making cocktail and mock tail” and “The finesse of table setting”
(A Food & Beverage workshop)
2:00pm to 3:00pm - “The art of bed making and Hospitality Career pathway”
(A Rooms Division workshop)
3:00pm to 4:00pm - “Let’s travel around the world with KDU School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts”
(A Management workshop)
The Open Day on the 27th of June will feature our Hospitality and Culinary Programmes, from Diploma to MBA, from Professional Chef to Hotel & Tourism and to Events Management. There will be a number of workshops, where you can see, what Hospitality is all about.
PS : Kenny Sia was pleased to know that KDU College is making a custom made chef uniform for him with his name embroided. and I was told that the uniform costs RM1,000. Damn expensive right ? Where mine just cost around less then 150 bucks. So, do you wanna see him in his RM1,000 custom made chef uniform? LOL.
Who's interested, please do come. I'll see you there !
For more information : Click Here
Facebook Event Page : Click Here
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