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July 16, 2008

What the hell ?!

What the hell ?! Haha. I was browsing all my photo collections earlier this morning since I never viewed it for so long already and booom I found this ! Vivian and myself. It was roughly about 2 years ago @ Dome, KLCC. A joint birthday party for Saf, Mich and Viv. Haha I was like Wooahhh..... Such a huge difference ! Vivian, agree ?

Anyway peeps who often sees me nowadays only can differentiate. Crawp! I look like a girl last time, don't I ? Vivian looks so......... erm I think I leave u all to judge. hahaha.

P/S : Don't misunderstood. She is my KDU kaki punya friend. Also the founder of roti empat segi !

Seriously guys, should I quit culinary arts course and take up Mass Comm? lol.

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