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February 22, 2010

Revive Rev-Up Party #2

Sorry for being MIA a lot recently. 1 thing i need most now is get more REST + SLEEP !

Oh well, this is the final post for Revive Rev-Up Party. Rev-Up Revive Isotonic finalist party happening at Euphoria MOS, Sunway. Since Advertlets was the advertising partner for Rev-Up, so we all gave them a support to drop by and have fun to party with them. Photos taken that night.

Hanie, Juliana and friend posing with da background.

HanieHidayah and Juliana Evens.

Marketing represent, Amy, puffgirl mascot and myself.

Group Shot snap snap !

Hitzfm EAN, MYfm i forgot what's her name and Myself.

Lovely couple HANSEMEVO, Selena and myself.

Another group shot before we head home.

Revive Rev-Up Party #2

That's all for now. More pending post coming up!


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