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February 19, 2010

Vinic's Day + RAWR-ing CNY

Short post. Reason : damn busy! Anyway, you would wonder, why always MAISON!? lol. Yeap, Maison photos again. And my answer would be : Im becoming a regular there every Thursday these days. I dunno why.

So yes, it's Vinic's Birthday and we wont miss out the pictures. I know its boring, but i know you will still read. I mean browse through the photos.

The usual came for Vinic's Bday. Chris, Yirui, Scott, Vinic, Wayne, Steven and Chris.

Vinic's friends.

Me and the B'da Girl. lol

Bump into Adelechow when da club ends. She bite me damn pain cause I never ajak her go maison. ish.

If you remember the malaysian tv series, "so you think you can dance" Ya, she's the winner for the contest. Cecilia Yong. lol.

Collage damn nice I like.

Next up ! Another CNY post. Stay tune.

FYI, lately busy collecting these

And this ! Lou Sang. CNY CNY fever.

MONDAY back to college. oh nosss so fast !


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